An Attitude of Gratitude
The holiday season is here. Thanksgiving is just a few short days away, which makes this the perfect time to take a little inventory of life.
Typically at the Thanksgiving holiday, we all take a little time to reflect on those things that we are thankful for. But sadly, we tend to rush through that part, and we get caught up in the business of family and food.
What if we took more time throughout the year, not just Thanksgiving, to reflect and focus on the things that we have and are thankful for? How could your outlook and perspective be shaped and changed, if you took time on a regular basis to be grateful and thankful? Here is a short list of things I am thankful for: my family, wife, children, job, health, abilities, vehicles, home, and on and on my list would go.
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Your attitude will determine so much of your life and perspective. If you are always focused on the negatives or those things that you do not have, your outlook will be negative and dreary. If you focus on your blessings and positives, your outlook will be pleasant and grateful.
“What you focus on will grow.” Whether you choose to focus on you life’s positives or negatives or what you have or what you do not have, that is what will seem to grow and become prominent in your life on a daily basis.
What do you tend to focus on most? What tends to take up most of your thoughts? Is it life’s negatives or positives? Do you tend to view things as opposition or opportunities?
Perhaps as Thanksgiving and other holidays approach a perspective shift is in order.