Derek Curless Derek Curless

Get to Work

Nothing has ever gotten done, by standing around doing nothing. Anything that gets done is because someone decided to take action. Laundry does not get folded and put away by itself. Beds do not get made, by themselves. Weights do not lift themselves at the gym. Houses and buildings do not get built by people standing around looking at blueprints. Simple or complicated chores and activities take work and effort to get done.

The same concept applies to your life and goals. There is no easy way around it. Effort, action, and work are some of the biggest and most important ingredients when it comes to reaching your goals or making necessary changes.

When you decide to take action and put in work on yourself or your goals, there are several things that will happen. First, you start making progress toward your goals. Second, you begin to grow. Third, you begin to develop new habits and character.

When you decide to take action, you automatically move toward your goals. As soon as you take the first step, you close the distance between where you were and where you want to get.

Growth and development are natural reactions to putting in effort and work. When you begin working on yourself and working toward your goals, you will begin to develop new habits, greater character, and trade old choices for new ones that will benefit you and your goals.

Pay attention! The sooner you get to work, the sooner you will achieve what you set out to do. The time will pass. When it does, either you can wonder where it went, or you can put the time you have to use with intentionality.

There is a saying that says, “There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.” The sooner that you start climbing, the sooner you will arrive at your destination. My suggestion is that you Get to Work, sooner rather than later.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

It is ok to struggle

Once you make the decision to start and take action on pursuing your goals, you will also have to make the decision to keep going. Most people expect their journey toward their goals to be smooth and easy. But, in reality, they assume incorrectly. The journey toward your goals is going to be somewhat difficult, and challenging, but do not be discouraged. The journey will be worth it.

It is important to remember that the choices that you have made, have also gotten you to where you are currently. It will take new and different choices to navigate you on your journey toward your goals. Making changes in your routine, schedule, as well as the types of choices you make is not always easy, but they are and will definitely be worth it.

Most people typically think that failure is a bad thing. In reality, failure can be a very good thing. Failure is a sign that you are trying. Failure means that you are putting in effort and testing your limits. Failure can also be an indicator of growth and progress.

Try and try and try again. Keep trying new things. Or try things a in a new and different way. Struggle your way forward. Do not be afraid to learn through trial and error. Lessons learned the hard way are often priceless in the long run. Do not be discouraged when things are hard and difficult. The lessons and hard times that are experienced in the valley, are the same things that build your strength to make it to the mountain top.

A great quote from to remember as you work toward your goals this year is: ‘Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.’ (Zig Zigler) Remember that struggle is good, surrender is not. Keep going and growing, do not quit on yourself or your goals.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Start, as soon as possible

It is pretty simple, in order to reach a destination, you have to start. Someone put it like this; ‘Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.’ It is as simple as that.

The only catch is this. You have to start. And you have to continue.

In order to do anything, you have to take the first step. What is it for you? What can you do right now, today? Break it down into daily steps. What can you do today? What do you need to do tomorrow? Keep going like that.

Where are you? What is your goal, purpose, or passion? Where are you in relation to that specific thing today? That is where you start. You take action, exactly where you find yourself today. Start where you are and do something. Tomorrow do something else, and build momentum and growth one day at a time.

Who or what do you have right now that can help you in your efforts? Who do you know that you can rely on to help you out? Who can give you ideas or keep you honest about your habits, actions or choices? Who can you rely on to help when things get tough? My wife and I have a quote that hangs in our house that says: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ In life, and in pursuing goals, it helps to have someone in your corner who can support you and help you along the way.

As we get rolling into 2025, ask yourself the following questions. First, what can I do right now, today? (Ask yourself this question every day.) Second, who and what do I have that can help me head in the direction I want to go? Lastly, ask yourself, if not now, when? Once you answer these questions get moving!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Don’t Quit, Do It

Did you know that the second Friday in January is known as ‘National Quitters Day?’ This day is when most people will decide to give up on their New Year’s Resolutions. Sadly, they quit pursuing things that they had wanted to do or achieve only a few days ago.

What happened? What went wrong? What could have been done differently? There are several things to keep in mind as you strive to make changes or develop new habits.

First, it takes time. Anything worthwhile will take a while. Good things take time, as they say. Far too often, we quit and give up way too early. If we do not give our habits enough time, we will not reach our goals. You do not plant a seed one day and expect to see flowers the next day. It takes time.

Secondly, you have to take responsibility. It is your choice to either get going, keep going, or quit. It is also up to you whether or not you choose to stick it out when things get hard. If your goals mean enough to you, then you will likely continue to push yourself and continue pursuing them. No one else is going to make your goals or dreams come true. That is up to you. Some may try to help or encourage you along the way, but you will be the one to make it happen.

Here are a few helpful tips and reminders as you pursue goals this year.

First, need to have a clear and solid vision of where you are heading or what you want. Write down your goals. Place reminders where you can and will see them often. Doing these things will help you stay focused and motivated.

Second, set achievable goals. Sometimes people bite off more than they can chew. They try to over-achieve, in too short of a time frame. If they would give themselves more time, or break down their big goals into small ones, then they would likely accomplish their goals. I believe that it is counterproductive to try and accomplish too much in a shorter time frame. Setting smaller, short term goals will help you build momentum as you achieve them, and move toward those bigger goals that you have.

Third, commit to taking action. Without discipline and commitment, forming habits that will help you reach your goals simply will not happen. Action will always produce results. But you must follow the recipe to success: know your goal, break it down into smaller steps, take action, and keep going.

This year, keep going. Get after it. In 2025, do it! Don’t quit!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

It’s Here!

It is here! 2025 has arrived! Welcome to a new year!

If you have not been following this blog for very long, let me help you understand what Chasinglife365 is about. At the core, I want to help, encourage, and challenge readers to live their life intentionally with purpose and passion. We only get one life to live. Each one of us is unique. So why not make the most of every day and every opportunity.

What will you do with the new year? Will this year be exactly like all the ones before? Or will you choose to make 2025 different?

I want to give you two quotes as we kick off this year that will hopefully inspire and motivate you. First; “Six months from now, you can either have six months of growth or you can have six months of excuses.” Second; “Do not get upset about the results you did not get, from the work you did not do.”

If 2025 is going to be a different year for you, then it will take some work. Change can be good. But, if you want to make this year different, there are two things that you will have to do. First, you will have to do some work and put in an effort of some kind. Second, you will have to make some changes. If you choose not to put in the necessary effort and work, and do not make necessary changes, then this new year will be like all the rest before.

Let me ask you:

What are your goals for 2025?

How do you want to make 2025 different?

What changes do you need to make?

What kind of effort and work will it involve?

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Looking Ahead

It feels weird to say this, as it always does, but this year is almost over. 2025 is right around the corner. In a few, short days, we will say goodbye to 2024 and we will say hello to 2025.

I think that most people typically tend to look forward to the new year. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation for what things may be in store for the future.

Here is my word of caution as 2024 winds down, and 2025 is just days away. We can easily drift through the next year, just like years gone by, if we do not take some time and plan. Far too often, and too easily, we can get caught up in the business and routines of our lives that we lose the value of each day. So in 2025, try to make the most of each day, and don’t just go through the motions.

Two quotes that I often refer to are these: the first is from Mark Twain. “Most men die at 27, we just bury them when they are 72.” The second is from Robin Sharma: “Do not live the same year 75 times, and call it a life.”

These quotes are great reminders. Many people settle far too early in life, and live the remainder of their life on cruise control. They lose the value and significance of the little things and the importance of truly living each and every day. Then there are those who go through the routines of their life, day after day, year after year, doing the same things over and over. Never changing things up and always doing the same things.

We all get one shot at this thing called life. Do not waste it. Cherish it. Make it count. Be more intentional. Make 2025 a year that you live intentionally, with purpose, and with passion.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Pass It On

At this time of year, we are usually very busy doing many different things. It is also usually around this time of year that most people are reflecting on memories from long ago, or from the year that is currently wrapping up. As we wrap up this year and head in to 2025, we start to look ahead and plan for what might coming in the year ahead.

I was recently struck by a picture and a quote that I saw. It was a picture of a man and his son. The man was leaning down to help his son fix his shirt. The son was looking back at his father smiling. The quote at the bottom of the picture said; ‘What you teach your children will be passed on to their children.’ As I thought about the picture and quote, it reminded me of the importance of time, and the powerful impact that one can have on someone else.

Let’s hit the pause button for a second. Perhaps this is the perfect time to reflect on your life, the past year, or to think about the year ahead. What is it that you want to pass on or leave behind for others? What things need to change?

Perhaps you grew up in a family that had some negative patterns or tendencies. Perhaps you have the opportunity to be the one to bring change and break those tendencies and patterns. It may not be easy, but it would be worth it. One of the greatest things that you can do and pass on is a fresh start and a new direction for the future. If you recognize harmful and toxic behaviors and patterns in your family, breaking the cycle can be incredibly powerful and reinvigorating! The potential impact you can have on others and your family is incredible.

What will you choose to pass on? Believe me, you will pass on something. But, what you pass on is up to you. Will you pass on the same old things that have been passed on for generations? Or are you going to be the one who changes course and makes an impact that will last for generations to come.

Maybe you have the opportunity to give your children the kind of future that you never had. Make the most of it. Point them in the right direction, and help them to grow in ways that you never could.

If you could take a few minutes and think about the message that you want your children or those you care about to know, what would it be? As 2024 winds down, ask yourself what do you really want to pass on?

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

The Good Ole Days

Since we are in the midst of the holiday season, I was recently reminiscing on memories of long ago. I was thinking of times where extended family gathered for celebrations and holidays. I was remembering all the food, laughter, and storytelling. As a kid, all of these seemed intoxicating and larger than life. It is a unique experience to hear stories told, and hear them from different perspectives.

As I was reflecting on the memories from the past, I was struck with this thought; these are the ‘good ole days.’ We just haven’t realized it yet. The activities and actions of our daily lives, will one day be the stories and memories that are recalled later on at gatherings and celebrations. The little moments from today will be retold and revisited years from now.

Those stories and memories from the good ole days of long ago, were once just a regular day occurrence that became a retold story from a memory of the past.

One of the biggest parts of the existence of is to remind my audience to live every single day with purpose and passion. Live life in a way that is intentional. This life passes so quickly.

The little moments that we have with our kids, parents, friends and family will become cherished memories as time goes on. That is why it is so important to be present in the moment, as much as possible. Try not to allow little things to steal time from those things that really matter. Never underestimate the importance or significance of time with others. The precious time that we have can be spent intentionally, or it can be wasted.

One day, you will realize that those little precious moments would be the makings of the ‘good ole days’ that you share with others. Those little moments and interactions will be the stories that get shared with others at gatherings and celebrations. The good ole days are actually the days that we are living on a daily basis. We just have not realized their significance or importance just yet.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Let Them Know

There is no doubt about it. This life moves quickly. One day you are holding your newborn baby, and the next day they are turning ten. One day you teach your child to ride a bike, and the next they are learning to drive a car. Or so it seams.

One of my strong beliefs that I have developed over the last few years is this: Leave no doubts or questions for those who you love. Let them know.

Let me explain what I mean. Let people know how you feel about them. Let them know what they mean to you. Tell them what place and impact that they have on you and your life. Make sure they know, and leave to doubts about it.

One of my personal ‘secrets’ that I will let you in on is this. Every single morning, Monday through Friday, before I leave for work I leave three notes. My son, daughter, and wife all get a personal note from me. It is usually just a few lines, nothing crazy long. But, I tell them that I love them, they are special to me, something unique or special about them, and a reminder to make a difference in the places they go during the day.

Why do I write these notes? Because I am not home when they wake up, I am at work. But I want them to know that I love them and I want them to have a great day. So, I let them know. I leave a note saying what I want them to know that day as they get going in their daily lives.

One of the coolest and most moving things to happen recently in my ‘dad’ life happened last week. My daughter called me to her room to show me something. She had been collecting my notes every morning, and she had taken them and hung them all around her room! My notes meant so much to her that she collected them, and then placed them around her room for her to read later on!

Do not miss, waste, or ignore opportunities to share with your spouse, family, and friends what they mean to you. If something matters, share it. I think that one of the biggest mistakes and regrets that we can have is not taking opportunities to say those things that need to be said, and we choose not to. I would much rather say what needs to be said, than to leave any doubts or questions for others. Let them know!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

The Gift of ‘Presence’

Thanksgiving just passed and Christmas is coming into sight. It is the holiday season and everyone is busy. Here is a word of advice and caution. As you become enthralled and engaged more and more in this exciting time of year, do not become too busy. Do not lose focus of the things that matter.

It is unbelievable how easy it is to overlook the simple things this time of year. It is easy to get caught up in trying to figure out how you are going to fit everything in. Do not forget to be there in the moment.

One of the greatest gifts that you can give to anyone, is to be there in the moment. Being present is one of the greatest presents that you can give to someone.

We can become so wrapped up in scrolling through social media and seeing everyone else gathering together and celebrating, that we forget to celebrate the time that we have with those who we love and cherish. Or we can be checked out mentally, thinking about all we have to do later on, and we miss out on what is happening around us.

When we are present, physically and mentally, we are able to make the most of the time with those that we love and care about. When we are present mentally and physically, we can capture the moments and memories that will last forever in our minds and hearts.

This holiday season, make the most of your time, and the most of the time that you have with those you love and care about. Remove distractions. Make the effort to be physically, mentally, and emotionally engaged as you spend quality time with those you love and cherish. You will be glad that you did, especially when you reflect on these precious moments later on in life.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

An Attitude of Gratitude

The holiday season is here. Thanksgiving is just a few short days away, which makes this the perfect time to take a little inventory of life.

Typically at the Thanksgiving holiday, we all take a little time to reflect on those things that we are thankful for. But sadly, we tend to rush through that part, and we get caught up in the business of family and food.

What if we took more time throughout the year, not just Thanksgiving, to reflect and focus on the things that we have and are thankful for? How could your outlook and perspective be shaped and changed, if you took time on a regular basis to be grateful and thankful? Here is a short list of things I am thankful for: my family, wife, children, job, health, abilities, vehicles, home, and on and on my list would go.

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Your attitude will determine so much of your life and perspective. If you are always focused on the negatives or those things that you do not have, your outlook will be negative and dreary. If you focus on your blessings and positives, your outlook will be pleasant and grateful.

“What you focus on will grow.” Whether you choose to focus on you life’s positives or negatives or what you have or what you do not have, that is what will seem to grow and become prominent in your life on a daily basis.

What do you tend to focus on most? What tends to take up most of your thoughts? Is it life’s negatives or positives? Do you tend to view things as opposition or opportunities?

Perhaps as Thanksgiving and other holidays approach a perspective shift is in order.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Moving Forward

‘Time waits for no man.’ This is a short and powerful phrase. Time never stops moving forward. It does not slow down or stop. It is in a state of constant movement forward.

If you have found your life’s purpose and passion, get after it. Keep going! If you have found your purpose and calling, but have not done anything about it, it is time to get after it.

It always seems to surprise me how fast each year passes. As I write this blog, November 2024 is halfway over, and 2024 is winding down. In a few short weeks a new year will begin.

With this in mind, here are a few reminders as you either get started pursuing your purpose and passions, or as you continue to pursue and expand on your life’s calling.

First, remember why you started. Stay focused on your mission. Monotony and routine can cause you to become stagnant or complacent in what you are doing.

Second, take time to reflect. It may feel like you are not making progress. You may become frustrated at times, when you feel like you are just going through the motions. It may be a good idea to pause for a brief time to reflect. Take a moment to think about how far you have come and how much you have grown in your journey. Making a mental note of your progress may help reignite the fire of your passion and pursuit.

Third, make some adjustments. In last week’s blog, ‘Adjusting Course’ was a reminder about the importance and significance of periodically making strategic adjustments. If something is helping and moving you forward in the right direction, keep doing it. If there is something that you have been doing for awhile and it is not helping or it is moving you off track, then it is time to change it.

I want to leave you with two thoughts as this year winds down and 2025 comes in to view. First; ‘You are the greatest project that you will ever work on. So, restart, reset, refocus as many times as you need.’ Second; ‘Keep going, because you deserve to see what happens when all your hard work pays off.

Keep moving forward!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Adjusting Course

What do you do, if your plan is not working out the way that you want it to or need it to? Let’s say that you have discovered your purpose and passion. You have decided to get to work putting together a plan and taking action. But, what if things have slowed down or stalled out?

Do not quit! That is first and foremost. Do not quit or give up. If you choose to quit, then you will never know how close you were to accomplishing your goals.

So if the plan that you are currently using, is not getting you the results that you were expecting or hoping for, make adjustments. A boat that is off course, and heading in the wrong direction, simply adjusts it’s course. Making a few minor tweaks and adjusting the course by even a few degrees can get the boat back on track, heading in the right direction.

Thomas Edison was famous for saying “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that do not work.’ In any pursuit, this is a great mindset to have. Failure is not final, unless you decide to quit. If you fail once, or you get off course, keep going and keep trying. Make some adjustments and keep moving forward. Failure or falling short of a goal does not mean that your goals and dreams are unattainable, maybe you just need to change your approach.

Maybe you need to get to work and do more. Perhaps the reason that you are struggling to see any growth or progress is because you need to put in more time and effort. Or perhaps the reason you are not seeing progress is because you need to be more intentional and consistent. Being inconsistent in your effort will cause more frustration than it will be beneficial.

As 2024 winds down, perhaps it is time to evaluate how the year went. What worked? What did not work. What could improve if you were more consistent and gave more effort? Maybe as the year winds down, and a new year comes into view, it might be the right time to ‘adjust course.’

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

The Rule of 100

Throughout history, individuals have longed to become elite and accomplish greatness in a number of areas. There are characters that fill history books and biographies for the feats that they achieved. Throughout history, we have people who were presidents, world leaders, inventors, engineers, painters, influencers, and the list goes on and on.

What about you? What is going to set you apart? What sets you apart already?

Let me clarify, I am not saying that we should set out to bulldoze our way to the top. We should not tear others down in order to climb the ladder to success. What I am asking is this; what is it about you or what you do that can separate you from the majority of others at a particular thing?

The rule of 100 is based on this: in order to become better than 95% of people at a particular thing, one must intentionally invest 100 hours at mastering that one thing. In order to become elite in a particular field, one must invest approximately 10,000 hours.

100 hours might sound like a lot of time. And it is, all at one time. But it is only 20 minutes a day, for one year. One hour a day, for 3 months. And five hours a day, for three weeks.

The sad part is that most people will not even take the time to be intentional with 20 minutes a day.

There are several things that it takes in order to begin to utilize the rule of 100. They are: a choice, focus, action, and time.

It all starts with a choice. The choice to begin the process, and to stay on track. This means choosing to be more intentional with your time, energy, and resources.

Tied into the idea of making an intentional choice about your time, energy, and resources, is the idea of narrowing your focus. You cannot continue to give your time, energy, and resources to anything and everything. You need to be intentional and selective in focusing the use of your time, energy, and resources.

It takes action to get results. Without action, nothing happens. It is that simple. If you want to learn and grow, you need to take intentional, focused, action.

As the saying goes, ‘Good things take time.’ Habits take time to take hold. Growth takes time. Results take time. If you want to separate yourself and become better at something, it is going to take time. But it will be worth it!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Just Do It

I am quite certain that you have heard the phrase ‘Just do it.’ In the 1980s, NIKE chose the company slogan ‘Just Do It.’ They wanted a powerful statement that would encourage and empower their customers, and at the same time launch them forward and upward as a company. The phrase ‘Just do it’ has been around for about 40 years, and continues to drive the company as well as its customers. This short and powerful statement has challenged people to stop making excuses and to take action, to stop being passive, and to become intentionally proactive.

A few days ago, my family and I were in the car heading home. My son, for whatever reason, wanted to wave at other vehicles, to see if other people would wave back. To his dismay, not many people returned his eager hand-waving. At first, he was a little bothered that so few people were waving back. However, he did not linger long on the fact that only a few individuals were waving back. He was focused on seeing who, and how many people were waving back at him. Even though he was waving at everybody, and only receiving a few waves back, he was excited to get the responding waves.

In life, we tend to focus too much on the negatives or on the things that do not go our way. By doing this, we can overlook and underappreciate the things that are going well. Focusing only on the negatives or disappointments will bring dismay and discouragement.

When we shift our focus to the things that are going our way, we can then change from a perspective of negativity into a perspective of growth and appreciation. Having an attitude of gratitude will help you to appreciate and value what you do have, along with the things that are going your way in life.

Listen, whatever it is that you are called to do, just do it. Stop making excuses. Stop putting it off. Whatever your purpose is here on earth, find it. Whatever you are passionate about, prove it. Whatever you know that you are suppose to do, stop making up reasons for why you cannot do it, and get to work. You are here for so much more than just going through the motions day in and day out. You are here for a reason, maybe you just have not figured out why.

Not everyone is going to understand you. Not everyone will support you. That is ok. Just do it! Some people will not understand who you truly are, or what you are trying to achieve, until you actually do it. Do not let someone’s opinion of you or your pursuits discourage you from doing what you know that you were made to do. Just do it. You can explain later. I can guarantee that if you ‘just do it,’ you will be so much happier than if you choose not to.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Learn from the Struggle

Life is not always easy, that is a fact. It is not always difficult either. Much of how life goes is affected by how we approach and act in different situations.

Professionally, I am an electrician. I was recently working with an apprentice. He was working on something and I was nearby doing something else. While working near him, I noticed that he was taking a little long on the task at hand. No big deal. He eventually came over and asked for help. Happy to do so, we headed over to where he was working. He showed me what he was doing, and what he had been trying to do.

I told him to look at what he was working on and take a minute to see if there was another way to approach the situation. If one way is not working, there is probably another way that you can try. After a brief moment, I suggested another option or two. Then I took the opportunity to show him what I would have done.

Not everything that we encounter in life is going to go smoothly. Not everything will go right the first time. Sometimes we may have to struggle with something for a little while. Sometimes we may have to try something several times and even several different things before it works.

What works in one situation or problem, may not work all the time. Sometimes we may struggle with something for a while. Sometimes we may have to ask for help. Eventually, things may work out. Do not forget the things that helped you make it through. You may need them in the future. And you may even be able to pass them along and help someone else out as well.

So whether you ar going through a rough season of life, or you are chasing your dreams, be patient. Keep working. Stay focused. Maybe even ask for help. But remember to learn the lessons that the struggle provides.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Time to Reflect

Statistically speaking, the age of retirement is 67. The average life expectancy is 78. Most people will work about 50 years of their life, and then they will retire. Seems a little depressing to summarize it like this, but it is the truth. So maybe right now is the perfect time to reflect on where you have been, where you are currently at, and where you are heading.

Have you ever noticed how easily we can become preoccupied or consumed with looking into the future. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead and planning for things to come. Sometimes, we can get caught up looking ahead, toward things that we are hoping for, or excited about. When we do this, we can miss out on the present moments at hand and we miss out on the things happening here and now.

There are times in life when it is very helpful to take a short period of time to reflect on the past. Doing this can help us appreciate where we are in the present. Looking back and recognizing personal growth and progress can help us to appreciate where we have been, as well as where were’re currently are at, along with what you have. If we do not reflect on the past and what has gotten us to this moment, then we can overlook the present blessings that we have.

Reflecting on the past does have several benefits. It can help us to realize how far we have come in our journey. It can help us realize all the blessings that we have been given along the way. It can help us see where we have struggled, as well as how we have succeeded. Moments of reflection give us perspective, as well as opportunities to make redirections and adjustments.

There is a reason that a rearview mirror is small and the windshield of a car is big. The windshield allows us to see where we are heading, and what lies ahead. The rearview mirror is small and allows us to glimpse what is behind us and where we have been. It is not safe to drive a car while focusing on the images in the rearview mirror. That is not the direction that the car is heading.

The same can apply to you and me. In life, if you choose to only focus on the past, then you will neglect where you are at this moment. You will miss the blessings of this moment. And if you are only focused on the past, then you will have trouble moving forward. Periodically reflecting will allow you to check your growth and progress. These moments of reflection are opportunities for perspective and redirection. Keep living life a day at a time. Stay focused on the moments at hand. Keep looking forward, to see where you are heading. And periodically, take time to reflect on your journey. Take a little time today or this week to see where you have been, the progress that you have made, and recognize areas that need work.

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Knowledge is (almost) Power

There is an old saying that goes: ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ Without knowing the truth, or without someone redirecting us, we can easily fall into the trap of remaining in a state of ignorance. There is another old saying that says: ‘Knowledge is power.’ If you merge them together, you get this; “Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.’

If I could critique the second saying, I would make it say this'; ‘Knowledge is potential power, applied knowledge is power.’ You see the difference is this, if you know the truth or you know what you should do, but you choose not to do it, then you cancel the power. The power only comes when knowledge is applied.

One of the biggest points of this blog each week is to challenge you as an individual to make your life count. To find out why you are here, and to live out that specific purpose. Too many people choose to remain in ignorance about their own lives. Too many people choose to live their life doing what everyone else does.

You are one of a kind. You are here for so much more. My hope and goal for you is live your life on purpose and with passion. To make every day the best that it can be. I hope you live life every day with greater excitement and impact.

Have you ever taken the time to think about why you are here? Have you considered what it is that gives you a greater purpose and drive? Before it is too late, I would encourage and challenge you to take time to consider why you are here. Find out what makes you emotional and what excites you. Perhaps you haven’t been very intentional about how you spend your time and energy. Perhaps you are growing tired of doing the same things over and over, day in and day out, week after week. Maybe it is time to figure out what needs to change.

Knowing why you are here can greatly change how you live your life on a daily basis. When you apply the reason you are here, then your life will change. So find out why you are here, before it is too late, and then start living your life with greater purpose and passion! You will be so glad you did!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Now or Later

The truth is, time flys. This life seems to always be moving at warp speed. Don’t believe me? Take a look down memory lane. Pull up pictures of yourself or your family from five or ten years ago. Does it really feel like it has already been years and years since those pictures were taken?

My questions to you this week are these: What is it that you keep putting off? Why do you keep putting it off? When are you going to actually get around to making it happen?

Time is the one commodity that we have, where we do not know how much we have left. Time is also one of the things that we too often take for granted. We waste so much of it. We give so much of it away to pointless or empty activities. Kobe Bryant put it this way; ‘The biggest mistake we make in life, is thinking that we have time.’

We can learn from the past. We can live in the present moment. And we can plan for the future. The clock is always ticking. Unfortunately, the window of opportunity closes a little more every single day.

So what is it that you are here for? What will you be remembered for when you are gone? What will be the lasting impact that you have had on others? If you have not thought about this, perhaps you should before it is too late.

Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself, while you still have the opportunity. Who and what are you passionate about? What is your life’s purpose? What are things that are stealing the time you have? Who or what needs to receive more of your focus and energy?

As a whole, I believe people need to take the time to realize the value of their time. Hopefully, you and I can take the remaining time that we have left, and use it more wisely and intentionally. Hopefully, we can be more proactive in managing our activity and relationships.

What are you planning on doing with the time you have left? I hope you choose to make it count!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

It Is Up To You

As simple as it sounds, you would probably be amazed to see and notice how many people do not get this concept. Here it is. It it up to you. When it comes to your hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations. It is up to you to reach and achieve them.

Nobody else is going to take your passions and your purpose, and make it their own. Neither will they go out and achieve these things for you. That is not how it works. You are the only one with the specific purpose and passion that you do.

You are the only person, on earth, with your specific gifts, abilities, and talents. You are also the only person who can use those things. Do not waste them. Use them! Find out what you were made to do, and do it!

Whatever you are pursuing (your goals, dreams, aspirations) these things mean the most to you! Whatever your hopes, dreams, goals, or aspirations, they are yours. No one else is going to have the exact same ones as you. The value of those things will always mean more to you than anyone else.

You only have this one life to live. Why not go for it? Why not go big? Stop holding back. Why not see what could happen if you actually got to work and actually started pursuing what you were made to do. Stop making excuses and start living! Make sure that you have no regrets when you reach the end of your life. Find out why you are here, and then get to work pursuing those things! I can guarantee that the journey will be worth it. The journey you go on will take you places where you never imagined you would go. You will do things that you never imagined that you would do. And it will all be worth it! Don’t believe me? Just do it, you will see! Remember that it starts and ends with you.

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