Celebrate Your Wins

If you have made the decision to attempt something new or challenged yourself to try something again, congratulations! If you have tried something and failed, please realize that is a normal part of the process. If you have failed and gotten back up to try again, you are awesome! That takes guts!

Let me start by saying that most people will refuse to even try new things. Whether it is fear or the thought of having others watching you struggle as you try something new, keep in mind that the vast majority of people will never even try. Do not be afraid or ashamed to try something new or to try something over and over again. Remind yourself that if it were easy, then everyone else would be doing it.

One of the most beneficial things that you can do as you attempt something new or try something again, is to celebrate your wins along the way. Celebrate your progress, growth, and achievement, no matter how big or small. Keep track of your personal progress and celebrate your personal growth and achievements, as you make incremental progress toward your ultimate goals.

I have known many people who have decided to make changes or quit certain habits, and one consistent thing that they did, was to track and celebrate their individual progress. For someone trying to lose some weight, track your progress through the process and celebrate when you reach specific targets along the way. For someone trying to drop a bad habit, track the progress and celebrate when you reach certain goals. If your are trying something new, track you attempts and track your growth. And remember to take time to celebrate your progress along the way.

It does not matter what your personal goals may be. Set your big goal, the one goal that you are shooting for. Then, break it down into smaller, easier, more obtainable steps. When you reach one of the smaller goals that you have set for yourself, stop and acknowledge your achievement and growth. Celebrate the accomplishment and progress. Then get back to work, and do it again. Keep repeating this cycle until you reach your ultimate goal. Celebrate your wins along the way! Success and growth are a journey. Learn to appreciate your small successes and achievements along the way!

Breaking down a big goal into smaller ones is a great way to achieve success. When you celebrate the small wins, it helps you to recognize your growth and progress. It keeps your journey fun and exciting. It also helps keep you motivated and inspired. Do not overlook or undermine the significance of small wins. When they are all stacked up, you will be happy to see that you have reached your destination. And you will do so in a way that was fun. Remember the saying, ‘All work and no play, made Jack a dull boy.’ If you set out to achieve a goal, and all you do is work work work, you may find yourself not having a fun time during the process. You may find yourself burned out and quitting, even before you reach your goal.


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