Eagle Mentality
I bet that you probably did not know this about a bald eagle. The bald eagle can live up to about 70 years. But, at around 30-35 years old, it faces a critical decision. It can either choose to remain the same and face death. Or the bald eagle can choose to go through a radical and painful process and go on to live another 30 years or so.
At about 30 years old, the eagle is halfway through their expected lifespan. At this point in their life, their feathers are old and heavy. Their beak is weaker, worn, and not as sharp as it needs to be. Their talons are long, dull, and weak. The bald eagle cannot survive and thrive in this condition. Its most valuable assets are old, worn down, and inefficient. Their beak, talons, and feathers will not allow the eagle to defend itself or provide for its most basic needs.
The bald eagle has a choice to make. It can choose to remain the same and die. Or it can go through a painful process of removing the old and transforming into something new. If it chooses to go through the transformation, it will take time and be uncomfortable. The bald eagle will fly to a mountain. There it will break off its old beak, and a new, sharper, stronger beak will grow in its place. With its new beak, the eagle will pull out its old and heavy feathers. New, lighter, stronger feathers will replace the old feathers that the eagle pulled out. The eagle will also pull out its old talons. New, stronger, and sharper talons will grow in and replace the old ones.
Similarly, in our lives, there are critical points where we face tough choices. We can either continue life as it comes, or we can intentionally make hard choices and change direction. Difficult decisions sometimes come at a great cost and great pain. Just like the bald eagle, we may have to remove (sometimes painfully) things in our lives that no longer serve our best interests. Sometimes we have to break off things, like people, and habits that are now detrimental to our growth and progress.
However, as hard, difficult, and painful as these hard changes may be. They are necessary. They are going to make room for new growth and opportunity. Without changing what already exists, you cannot make room for what might be. Making changes in your life will lead to changes in your life, and also in and around you. When you cut something negative out, something positive can thrive. Perhaps now is the time for you to make a few life-altering changes. Maybe it is time for you to remove a few things that are holding you back. Or maybe it is time to change course and start living in a new way.