Father’s Day Reminder

I am not sure what emotions the Father’s Day celebrations give you, but I hope that they are good ones! I hope that you have had the joy of having a father that raised you well and gave you a solid foundation for life. But, even if this is not the case, I am convinced that there are still things that you can take from your father through the rest of your life.

What was it about your father that made you want to be like him? Was it his passion and enjoyment of life? Was it his work ethic and drive? Was it the way he helped and served others inside and outside of the home? What was it about him that made him special and unique?

What was it about your father that made you not want to be like him? Seriously? Have you ever taken time to think about this aspect of your dad? Believe it or not, this can actually be beneficial. Being aware of certain traits or characteristics can help you to break patterns, cycles, reactions, and responses in your own life.

If you are a father, raising children now, what do you want your legacy to be? What can you take from your dad, that you can pass on to your children? What can you take and build upon, for future generations? What can you take from your father and remove and keep it from being passed on?

If you are a wife of a man who is a father, help him! Build him up! Encourage him! Be his biggest supporter and fan! Be his friend and confidant! You have the opportunity to help him and encourage him to be a better father and leader in your home!

Unfortunately, there will come a day when our life and journey on this earth will come to completion, and we do not know when that day will be. So my best advice in light of this, is to: learn everything you can from your father, take and pass on all the good memories and characteristics. Break the bad habits and tendencies that you learned. And give your kids your best efforts, energy, attention and memories possible. Every day counts. Every day matters. Love much. Laugh often. Lead well.


Fail or Fly, Just Try


Attitude affects Altitude