Humble and Helpful
As we continue to look at a person of character, this week, the focus will be on humility and helpfulness. Humility is having a modest view of one’s own value and perspective. Believing and acting as if you are not better or superior to another person. Helpful is having an attitude of being willing to help or give assistance to another. A person of character is rarely (probably never) known for being a person who is selfish, arrogant, or disregards others.
The character traits of being humble and helpful, go a long way, especially for those who they work with and interact with. Would you rather work with someone who is always all about themselves? Would you like to be associated with someone who is only focused on themselves, and only on their success? Or would you rather work with and be associated with someone who is willing to help others out humbly and selflessly?
Being humble and helpful does not sound like character traits that would be highly regarded. However, these are traits that are irreplaceable and focused on others. If you work with someone who is genuine and helpful, it promotes unity and connection. There is a real willingness to be successful together. There is no price that can be put on a relationship with someone who is a real team player and is willing to help out others, without being selfish or having alternative reasons.
Some real-life relationships that thrive on humility and helpfulness are marriage, jobs, and sports teams. The opposite is also true. Marriages, jobs, and sports teams all suffer when one or more parties are selfish and arrogant, along with an unwillingness to help others.
Individuals who are arrogant, selfish, and self-centered naturally cause division or disunity. It is hard for others to interact and work with these types of individuals. Their attitude and behaviors tend to push others away, minimize others, and discourage others. It is impossible for a relationship, friendship, and a team to thrive when there are individuals who are consumed with themselves and are unwilling to make genuine, selfless changes.
How do you stack up (honestly) in these two areas? Are you a genuine humble and helpful person? Or would you have to admit that you are more arrogant, selfish, self-centered, and tend to disregard others? How do humility and helpfulness benefit others, especially in the relationships that you have?