I bet you can
From the bottom of my heart, and with all that I am, I truly believe that you can do it. I’m not sure what it is, but I am sure that you can do it.
You are a unique individual. You are one of a kind. You are one in eight billion. There is no one exactly like you. And none of the other eight billion lives on earth will be anything like yours. You have a unique personality. You have unique character traits. And you have one-of-a-kind capabilities.
Beyond these, is the fact that you can change and make changes at any given moment. You have the option at any moment to change your life, or the direction of your life. As a human, you can choose to live an average and mediocre life. Or you have the option of living in a way that goes above and beyond the average life. You can maximize your life, by choosing to make the most of your life. You can maximize your life, by the choices that you make, and by making the most of the opportunities that come your way.
Each of us has been designed and given a variety of gifts, abilities, and dreams. But, it comes down to how we address, view, and use these gifts, abilities, and dreams. We can either choose to use and maximize these, which I hope you do. Or we can choose to settle, shelf, and suppress them, which far too many decide to do.
Can you imagine how your life would go, if you decided to live every day to its maximum potential? What would change about you and your life, if you decided to pursue your dreams and use your gifting every day? Who else would benefit from you living life on purpose and intentionally using your gifts and abilities?
Which sounds better to you? Living your adult life working 40 hours a week for about 40 years, and hoping to reach retirement. Or, living every day with intentionality, doing things that you love, feel passionate about, and doing things that get you emotional and fired up?
Please do not choose to be average and mediocre. You were not made average or mediocre, so do not live your life that way! I hope that you choose to be incredible and amazing, living your life inspired and on purpose! Choose to maximize and use your gifts and abilities. Choose to chase your dreams, do not settle for average. That is not who you were created to be.