I Quit

Two words that are destined to end it all, ‘I Quit”. These two words are the end. These two words slam and lock the door on many things in life. Marriages, relationships, dreams, pursuits, and many other things in life end when these two words are used. "I quit’ is the end of the road.

Nobody wants to hear these two words. I don’t think that anyone wants to reach the point where they say these words. But when they are used, they carry a lot of weight. Their use and impact are always profound. If you feel like you are at this point or nearing this point, there are a few things that you may want to try before you really choose to say, ‘I quit.’

First, keep going! Do not give up or surrender. Try again and again. Surrender is giving up on the fight. There is no more will to give more energy, effort, or emotion to the specific area. Once you decide the fight is over, there is no more purpose. Defeat is the only possible outcome. This is the last thing you want to have happen. I would rather struggle and fight than willingly choose to surrender and quit. When you choose not to quit, then there is always a chance to win.

Second, change or redirect your course. If what you are doing and trying right now is not working, then change what you are doing. Try and put a new twist on what you have been doing and trying. Give your old approach a fresh start. Give it some new life. Be more intentional, be more passionate, be more consistent. But, do not quit. There is a saying that: ‘Old keys do not unlock old doors.’ You cannot achieve new accomplishments by doing the same things over and over again. The definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Things will change when you decide to make changes.

If you feel like you are at the end of your rope, and can’t go on, please do not quit. If you surrender and quit, you will never see how things might turn out. Rest. Reset. Renew. Restart. Do not quit.


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