It is ok to struggle

Once you make the decision to start and take action on pursuing your goals, you will also have to make the decision to keep going. Most people expect their journey toward their goals to be smooth and easy. But, in reality, they assume incorrectly. The journey toward your goals is going to be somewhat difficult, and challenging, but do not be discouraged. The journey will be worth it.

It is important to remember that the choices that you have made, have also gotten you to where you are currently. It will take new and different choices to navigate you on your journey toward your goals. Making changes in your routine, schedule, as well as the types of choices you make is not always easy, but they are and will definitely be worth it.

Most people typically think that failure is a bad thing. In reality, failure can be a very good thing. Failure is a sign that you are trying. Failure means that you are putting in effort and testing your limits. Failure can also be an indicator of growth and progress.

Try and try and try again. Keep trying new things. Or try things a in a new and different way. Struggle your way forward. Do not be afraid to learn through trial and error. Lessons learned the hard way are often priceless in the long run. Do not be discouraged when things are hard and difficult. The lessons and hard times that are experienced in the valley, are the same things that build your strength to make it to the mountain top.

A great quote from to remember as you work toward your goals this year is: ‘Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.’ (Zig Zigler) Remember that struggle is good, surrender is not. Keep going and growing, do not quit on yourself or your goals.


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