Knowledge is (almost) Power
There is an old saying that goes: ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ Without knowing the truth, or without someone redirecting us, we can easily fall into the trap of remaining in a state of ignorance. There is another old saying that says: ‘Knowledge is power.’ If you merge them together, you get this; “Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.’
If I could critique the second saying, I would make it say this'; ‘Knowledge is potential power, applied knowledge is power.’ You see the difference is this, if you know the truth or you know what you should do, but you choose not to do it, then you cancel the power. The power only comes when knowledge is applied.
One of the biggest points of this blog each week is to challenge you as an individual to make your life count. To find out why you are here, and to live out that specific purpose. Too many people choose to remain in ignorance about their own lives. Too many people choose to live their life doing what everyone else does.
You are one of a kind. You are here for so much more. My hope and goal for you is live your life on purpose and with passion. To make every day the best that it can be. I hope you live life every day with greater excitement and impact.
Have you ever taken the time to think about why you are here? Have you considered what it is that gives you a greater purpose and drive? Before it is too late, I would encourage and challenge you to take time to consider why you are here. Find out what makes you emotional and what excites you. Perhaps you haven’t been very intentional about how you spend your time and energy. Perhaps you are growing tired of doing the same things over and over, day in and day out, week after week. Maybe it is time to figure out what needs to change.
Knowing why you are here can greatly change how you live your life on a daily basis. When you apply the reason you are here, then your life will change. So find out why you are here, before it is too late, and then start living your life with greater purpose and passion! You will be so glad you did!