Let Them Know
There is no doubt about it. This life moves quickly. One day you are holding your newborn baby, and the next day they are turning ten. One day you teach your child to ride a bike, and the next they are learning to drive a car. Or so it seams.
One of my strong beliefs that I have developed over the last few years is this: Leave no doubts or questions for those who you love. Let them know.
Let me explain what I mean. Let people know how you feel about them. Let them know what they mean to you. Tell them what place and impact that they have on you and your life. Make sure they know, and leave to doubts about it.
One of my personal ‘secrets’ that I will let you in on is this. Every single morning, Monday through Friday, before I leave for work I leave three notes. My son, daughter, and wife all get a personal note from me. It is usually just a few lines, nothing crazy long. But, I tell them that I love them, they are special to me, something unique or special about them, and a reminder to make a difference in the places they go during the day.
Why do I write these notes? Because I am not home when they wake up, I am at work. But I want them to know that I love them and I want them to have a great day. So, I let them know. I leave a note saying what I want them to know that day as they get going in their daily lives.
One of the coolest and most moving things to happen recently in my ‘dad’ life happened last week. My daughter called me to her room to show me something. She had been collecting my notes every morning, and she had taken them and hung them all around her room! My notes meant so much to her that she collected them, and then placed them around her room for her to read later on!
Do not miss, waste, or ignore opportunities to share with your spouse, family, and friends what they mean to you. If something matters, share it. I think that one of the biggest mistakes and regrets that we can have is not taking opportunities to say those things that need to be said, and we choose not to. I would much rather say what needs to be said, than to leave any doubts or questions for others. Let them know!