Make Changes, not Excuses

If you never change or decide to make changes, then do not expect anything to ever change. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. If you continue to do the same things over and over, you will keep getting what you have always gotten.

You can choose to remain the same, doing the same things day in and day out, cruising through life on autopilot, or you can choose to change, as hard as it may be. Your life will not change until you change. You can either choose to change, or you can choose to remain the same. In life, you basically choose to make excuses or you choose to get results, you cannot get both.

So what is it that needs to change for you? Is it your schedule? Are you too busy? Is your schedule too full? Are you unorganized in your time management? Are you too lazy? Perhaps, you need to look at your daily or weekly schedule and make some adjustments. A budget is a tool that allows you to tell your money where to go. A schedule tells your time, effort, and energy where to go, instead of wondering where it went.

Perhaps you need to change the people around you. I know that sounds pretty radical. But, think about how you are influenced by those that you interact with and hang out with on a regular basis. It has been said that you become the average of the five people that you spend the most amount of time with. Basically, you become a mixture of the people that you spend the most amount of time with. So, are your most influential friends and individuals building you up and making you better, or are they hindering your growth and development?

What are you listening to and watching on a regular basis? Are the things that you are consuming on a regular basis affecting you positively or negatively? Do the things you take in, put you in a doom and gloom mood, or do they put you in a mood where you feel energized and excited about what is going on? The things that you listen to and watch will absolutely affect you, your mood, and how you approach life.

How are your attitudes and perspectives on a consistent basis? Do you wake up with a negative attitude? Or do you wake up thinking that today is going to be a great day? Notice the difference? How you wake up is a big decider, when it comes to the course of your day. If you look for the negatives, you will certainly find them. If you stay optimistic, you will notice the opportunities more readily.

I’m not sure what changes you need to make, but one thing is guaranteed. If you refuse to make the necessary changes you will remain right where you are. If you choose to remain the same, rather than to change, you will end up having regrets later on. So make the changes that you need to before it’s too late. See what happens when you choose to make changes and not excuses!


Progress, not Perfection


Learn to let go