Once in a lifetime
How many times do we hear the line quoted “once in a lifetime?” I think we hear this quoted often, and most of the time it is not really true. Oftentimes, this line is used to get our attention and draw us in. Often times it is used in a sales aspect or to get us to panic.
However, I want you to think about and apply the line ‘once in a lifetime,’ to every single day that you wake up. I want you to start seeing every day as a “once in a lifetime.’ Why would I suggest that? I truly believe that everyone should approach every single day that you get to live, as once in a lifetime. Think about it. Every single day that comes and goes is just like the ones before, and like the ones that will come after. But, the thing is, that you only get to live each day, as it comes. Each day is unique. Each day is a twenty-four-hour window that arrives quickly and closes quickly.
Every day is truly a ‘once in a lifetime’ event. There are no options or ways to redo, go back, or relive a day that has already passed. This makes each and every day valuable and special. There will be things about today that will never be duplicated. And when today is over, there will be no way to go back and re-live it.
I think we should start looking at every day as a ‘once in a lifetime,’ as opposed to just another day. When we see each day, as just another day, there is no excitement or value. But, when we view each day as, once in a lifetime, there is excitement and value!
How would your life be different, if you approached every day with the realization that today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and moment? How would your life be different if you chose to have this perspective on a daily basis? How would you approach your family, kids, and friends differently, if you approached each day with this reality in mind?