Start Living
It is hard to believe that 2023 is winding down quickly. In a few short weeks, a new calendar year will be here. With it will arrive a clean slate, new opportunities, some challenges, and a whole lot of other things.
What will you do with the arrival of a new calendar year? What will you do with the new opportunities that will be made available? What are you going to do with your life in 2024?
If you have not already done so, I hope you really start living! I hope that you really start taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. I hope that you start to challenge your limits. I hope that you make the most out of every single day that you are given.
What is it that has kept you from truly living up to this point? Can I share a few things that I allowed to keep me from growing and living to the fullest, up until a few years ago?
Value. I did not think that I had any real value in this life and world. I did not think I would amount to much, or do anything spectacular in this life of mine. (See the book “You Matter” on the resource page)
Fear. I allowed fear to dictate and control what I did or how much I did. I was afraid to mess up or try new things. I allowed the fear of what others thought or might think to determine what I chose, did, or did not do.
Inexperience. I allowed inexperience and fear to hold me back. Not knowing what to do or what steps I should have taken also kept me from trying new things.
But there came a day when I realized that my perceived value, fear, and inexperience were not valid reasons to remain where I was in life. We are made for so much more. We are meant for so much more. I realized that in order to do more and become more, I would have to decide to really start living. No more excuses. No more procrastinating. No more holding back. And no more wasting my life.
What about you? What are you doing with your life? Would you say that you are living and making the most out of what you have? Are you making the most of the time that you have been given? Are you going through the motions, or are you maximizing every day? Are you chasing dreams and goals? Are you growing every day? Are you taking chances? Are you being intentional with the time you have, or does your time get stolen and wasted on meaningless things?
The choice to start living is one that you have to make. And I hope that you choose to make your life count, one day at a time.