Take the First step
“The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.” -Tzu. Man, was he right! Every journey or dream lives (or dies) in that crucial first step! If the first step is never taken, then there will be no journey, or growth, or progress. The first step has to be taken.
A baby has to stand up, and take that first wobbly step. They will absolutely fall down, numerous times. But they will also get up and try it again and again and again! But the key point is, that the baby makes the attempt at that very first step. Without taking that first shaky step, the baby will never begin the process of learning how to independently walk on their own. There is a process to learning to walk for every baby, and it all begins with their first attempt at that very first step.
And so it is with you and me. Taking the first step in a new direction, or into a new arena, may be a daunting or uncertain thing to do. But it is necessary if that is where your journey takes you. If you have goals, dreams, or a passionate calling, making that first move is imperative! Without taking that step, there will not be a journey. Read that again! You will never achieve your goals, or dreams, or calling, if you are not willing to take that critical first step!
So what is it that is holding you back??? Is it inexperience? Lack of knowledge? Excuses? Procrastination? Resources? What is the reason that you have not, or are not taking the first step??? The best part about these things, is that they can all be overcome or reversed. And they must be, in order to move in the direction of your growth and goals.
Here is a little transparency, and a glimpse at my first steps. Around three years ago, I began to think about writing a book. I had never done that before, and I was very uncertain about every part of the process. But the more I thought about writing a book, the more excited I became. The more excited I became, the more the ideas began to flow. I began to write my thoughts and ideas down in a note book. (I strongly recommend this; write down your thoughts and ideas as soon as you possibly can.) As I began writing ideas down, and began filling pages with my thoughts and ideas, I began to visualize my book coming into form. The first steps for me were: putting thoughts onto paper, and from the paper onto a typed document on my computer. From there, the process continued, until I had my first book published.
It all begins with taking the very first (uncertain) step(s). Why wait any longer?