What are you consuming?
Have you ever heard the saying: “you are what you eat?” It is a popular line that is often used in the health and fitness arenas of life. Basically, it means that what you choose to eat and drink regularly, both quantity and quality, directly impacts who you are and who you become health-wise.
Have you ever thought about applying this quote to your everyday life? Or, more specifically, your dreams and goals?
What if you did?
Perhaps it is time to ask yourself and take inventory, ‘What are you consuming?’ Yes, your choices of food and drink are important and will have a huge impact on your health today, tomorrow, and in the future. But, what are you consuming in regard to your dreams and goals? Is the music, social media, tv shows, friends and influencers, and other things that you consume through your eyes and ears helping or hurting you?
What you listen to and watch will pass through your mind and will shape who you are and who you will become. When your mind is impacted, eventually your heart will also be shaped and molded. When your heart is shaped and molded, what you do will be affected by your heart. How you live life and how you do life are directly affected by how your heart has been shaped by your mind, and how your mind has been shaped by what you have chosen to consume.
Think about it like this….. What if you chose to watch shows that were negative, crude, twisted, or pointless? What if you chose to listen to music that was negative, angry, hate-filled, self-centered, or empty? What if you chose to have a social calendar that was only filled with empty or pointless events that stole your time and drained you emotionally and physically? How do you think you and your life would look in a few years? A few decades?
Compare that scenario, to this one. What if you watched things that were uplifting, encouraging, and helpful to your journey? What if you listened to things that were positive, energetic, and full of value and encouragement? What if your social calendar was filled with events that energized, encouraged, and empowered you and your journey? How do you think you and your life would look in a few years? A few decades?
See the difference?
Choosing the right things will have a huge impact on you, and will have a huge impact on your pursuits of dreams and goals! Many people make these choices subconsciously. They do not even think about the short and long-term affects of their choices and what they choose to consume.
Eventually, ‘what is in the well (your heart and mind) will come out in the bucket’ (the life you live, by the choices that you make).
From here on out, make choices based on their value and impact on your life and your dreams. You will notice a huge difference in your outlook on life, and how you do everything!
You are what you eat, and you become what you will be, by the choices that you choose to make!