Be the One

Have you ever found yourself looking around and asking if anyone is going to do anything about a situation? Or if anyone is going to step up and change the cycles that exist in your family, at work, or other places where you find yourself?

Here is what I have noticed, most people tend to look around for others to step up or step in and try to resolve or handle the situation. Most people continue tolerating cycles and environments that are not healthy or beneficial. Most people also tend to believe that they are not qualified to try and break cycles or make a significant difference in various situations. Most people also tend to feel inadequate to step beyond their comfort zone, into their fears, or the unknown. Most people would rather stay where they are, doing what they have always done, rather than try something new or different. And most people are typically afraid to go against the flow of what everyone else does or expects.

Most people tend to avoid those things that scare them, intimidate them, or go against the social norms of society.

My suggestion would be as follows. Go for it. Do it. Try it. Take a chance. Give your best effort. Try new things. Do not be afraid to try new things. Do not be afraid to stand out. Do not be afraid to get out of your self-perceived limits and comfort zone.

You have no idea what you can accomplish if you try. You have no idea what might happen if you try. You have no idea who might be affected if you try.

But, I can guarantee that if you keep doing what you have always done, then you will continue to be in the exact same place that you have always been.

You may be the one who is the difference maker. You may be the one who breaks the cycle. You may be the one who is the light in the darkness. You may be the one who sparks a change or revolution. It all starts with the choice to be the one. Make the choice, and then take action.

You are far too special, unique, and talented to go through the motions in this life. You are far too amazing to be confined by the status quo or other’s opinions. Be bold. Be courageous. Break the mold. Break through the limits of your comfort zone. Be the one who steps up, and steps out. Be the one who shows others how to go above and beyond! Make the decision, and BE THE ONE!


Consider the Source


Busy or Productive