Consider the Source

One of the biggest and most important steps of planning for the future, as well as your goals, is to seek out insight and perspective from others. The majority of people tend to make a couple of mistakes when it comes to this aspect of gathering insight. Getting the right information, from the right people will have a huge impact, not only on the outcome, but also on your perspective and approach.

One of the biggest mistakes, perhaps even the greatest mistake we can make is taking bad advice from people who have little or no personal experience pertaining to our specific goals or aspirations. We tend to lean heavily on the opinions and input from those who we are around the most. However, we neglect to consider whether or not they have first-hand experience and knowledge. Most people are willing to share their opinions and thoughts about almost any topic. But, without experience and intimate knowledge, someone’s thoughts and opinions are only, their thoughts and opinions.

Another mistake that is often made is that we can tend to let others’ negative or uncertain opinions about ourselves, or our goals shape our approach and often the outcome. If we take bad advice from negative people who have little or no experience, what do you think the impact would be on your thoughts, actions, and the outcome of our efforts?

Bad advice from nice people, is still bad advice. You want to gain wisdom, knowledge, insight, and perspective from people who have extensive or intimate knowledge. Everyone you know will have an opinion. However, you do not want to take the wrong advice. You want to gain the right information, from the right people!

You will never receive discouragement or bad advice from those who are already doing what you want to. The people who are already pursuing their calling, goals, and other ambitions are typically very willing to share their first-hand knowledge with others. These individuals are the ones that you want to locate, connect with, listen to, and follow. Good advice from wise individuals will be one of the greatest assets that you can benefit from as you engage with your greater pursuits.

If you are considering the possibility of beginning to set goals or take action more intentionally, consider the source where you decide to go for input and advice. Bad advice from the wrong people could sideline or derail your goals and journey. The right advice from the right people could launch your goals and pursuits and take you beyond what you ever thought was possible!


Hurting or Healing


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