Being the One

Last week we took a look at the importance of ‘finding the one.’ The decision of who to spend your life with is one that should not be taken lightly. At the same time, being the other one, for someone else is an important role to have and fill. Being someone else’s choice is an important role and responsibility. So how do you set yourself apart and be a teammate that benefits and builds up the relationship? The following are a few character traits and actions that will help to strengthen and benefit your relationship. Being a good teammate is critical to a successful and thriving relationship. The following few paragraphs will share several concepts and character traits that will help you be a better teammate.

First, be dependable. This builds trust and confidence within the relationship. Being dependable means that you do what you say you will do. It means that you will develop a track record of being trustworthy and diligent. If you fail to prove yourself as dependable, then you will lack a key part of the foundation to developing a great relationship, by not having trust. Being a dependable partner develops deeper trust within the relationship.

Next, learn to communicate. Learn to listen and understand. Communication is one of the greatest necessities there is when it comes to having a successful and thriving team. One of the biggest things to do in the arena of communication is to really learn to listen and understand your spouse. Hear what they are saying, and seek to understand. If you are not clear on something, ask for clarification. Communication is important, and establishing clear communication is even better.

Third, develop a relationship that emphasizes teamwork. Teamwork is a crucial part of being a couple who grow together and thrives. Being a good spouse is about learning to work together. Teamwork is a very fluid concept. But the bottom line is that you work together, in a committed manner, in order to grow and move forward together.

Growth is another huge part of being a spouse who helps a relationship grow and mature. Nobody wants to end life in the exact same place that they are in now. Neither would we want to arrive at the end of our marriage in the exact same place that we are in at this very moment. I think we all want to be the best and make the most out of the relationships that we are in. But if we remain the same as we are right now, then we will never know how good it can get.

These four aspects will significantly impact the direction and depth of your relationships. In order to have a relationship that flourishes, learn to be a person who is and becomes: more dependable, learns to effectively communicate, is a team player, and wants to grow. With these four things, you are well on your way to being a spouse who will contribute greatly to a healthy and growing relationship.


Team Work


Finding the One