Comfort Zone
I am sure that you are at least familiar with the term ‘comfort zone’. It is defined as being ‘in a situation in which you feel comfortable and you do not have to do anything new or difficult.’ (Cambridge Dictionary) Personally, I believe it is one of the most dangerous and detrimental places that you can find yourself in and stay in.
You arrive in your comfort zone when you no longer are trying to make progress in particular areas of your life. You settle into routines and patterns, no longer striving to seek growth or achieve goals. There are no intentional changes being made. There are no goals being pursued. Ultimately, you become stagnant and routine in every aspect of life. You become comfortable in all areas and aspects of life.
Routines and patterns are not bad things, in and of themselves. But, having and maintaining patterns and routines for the sake of easiness and comfortability, can be something that limits and hinders your growth and progress.
Establishing patterns and routines for the purpose of growing and making progress is an awesome accomplishment. Developing a structure and schedule that allows you to make time for achieving growth and goals is a great way to become efficient and intentional. The reason for this is because you are being intentional about your habits, time management, and your desire to mature and master a particular goal.
If you have a schedule that allows you time to intentionally grow and work on yourself, that is great. But if you have a schedule and routine that is congested, chaotic, or unstructured you will struggle to find the time to work on yourself or your goals. Growth is a part of life, that should be intentional. Growth and progress require time and effort, and if you struggle to make the time and put in the effort, there will be little growth or progress made.
Your comfort zone may feel very comfortable, cozy and relaxed. But your comfort zone may be the thing holding you back from growing into the person you could be. Your comfort zone may be the thing that hinders your development. Comfort zones are comfortable, because they are stagnant and routine environments. They do not foster the type of environment needed to produce growth. The environment needed for growth is outside of your comfort zone.
Your comfort zone may be the biggest thing that keeps you form growing into the person that you could be. Your comfort zone could be the thing that you look back on one day, and wish that you had managed differently, or even challenged it’s limits.
If I were you, I would challenge myself to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Do not let fear of the unknown, or lack of experience to hold you back. Get out of your own way and begin to grow and mature in ways you could only imagine up until now. Get out of your comfort zone, and start making progress toward your goals and dreams. Stop allowing fear to keep you down and stuck where you are now. Make the decision to get out of your comfort zone a little more every day. Take action every day to grow and to make progress toward your goals. Learn to have a reason and a purpose for everything you do. When you choose to grow, and you choose to take action, then you will realize how limited you have been in your comfort zone.