Look in the Mirror

I am sure that you have heard the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. And I would have to agree. Pictures can be very powerful. They can evoke emotion, thoughts, cause a physical or emotional response, become a powerful inspiration, and much more. I recently saw a picture that caused me to pause and literally shake my head in agreement.

A teacher had taken several inexpensive, hand-held mirrors and placed them on a bulletin board in the classroom. Above each one, she had a small caption that read, “Meet the person responsible for your, choices, grades, words, success, actions, and effort.” What an awesome and powerful way to instill a powerful statement for the next generation. What a powerful concept, for you and I as we continue through life’s journey.

You and I have got to get ahold of this concept. The realization that we are the ones responsible for our choices, actions, effort, and ultimately the successes that we have throughout this life. You cannot have a victim or passive mindset and attitude, and expect to reach your hopes, goals, dreams, or your full potential.

Responsibility. One of the biggest, if not most important things in life is to take real and personal responsibility for where you are in life. You have to take responsibility in order to grow and reach your full potential. If you are not willing to be honest with yourself and accept responsibility for yourself or your actions, then you cannot expect to grow, mature, and reach your full potential. Being able to accept and realize that you are responsible is a sign of maturity, and helps lay a foundation that is able to be built upon.

Attitude and outlook. These two things will play a huge factor in the type of life that you live. Don’t believe me? Think about an employee. If you were a business owner, what type of employee would you prefer? One that shows up to work and only does the minimum amount of work expected? Or one that shows up and excels and leaves the job better than when they arrived? Would you prefer someone who needs to be told exactly what has to be done and how it needs to be done, all the time? Or one that shows up and takes the initiative and takes care of things without being told? Would you prefer someone who shows up and complains about everything? Or would you like someone who is excited and energetic and does not complain? I think you get the point, the attitude and outlook that you bring to your life, will absolutely determine how much of your life will go and turn out. The way that you see things, perceive things, and approach things in life will have a direct effect on how they turn out.

Choices. Simply put, the choices that you have made, have gotten you to where you are. The choices that you make from here on out will take you where you want to go. You have to start making the right choices. You must make the tough choices. You have to make choices and decisions based on where you are heading and where you want to get to. Poor choices will lead to poor results and poor destinations. Great choices will lead to great results and great destinations. You choose!

In life, responsibility, attitude, outlook, and choices will either make or break you. Maybe it is time to look in the mirror and have a little chit-chat with the person who is responsible for your attitude, outlook, and choices. Perhaps it is time to step up and own up to where you are in life, and where you are headed. The good news is that you can make adjustments along the way and you can choose when to make those adjustments. Just remember it is up to you.


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