Dealing with Disappointment and Setbacks

In real estate, it is all about location, location, location. In life, much of how we handle things, boils down to your perspective. Perspective is basically your outlook on life: how you see things that happen in life, and in turn, how you handle and deal with them.

A powerful quote that I have really embraced regarding setbacks and disappointments in my life journey is this: “Pain is temporary. Eventually, it will subside. If I quit, however, that is forever.”

None of us likes to suffer setbacks, or experience disappointments. But, more likely than not, in life, especially if you are truly going after goals and dreams, you will encounter challenges along the way. What makes the difference between quitting and pushing forward is your perspective and attitude.

In my opinion, far too many people totally give up on their dreams and surrender their passions at the first sign of a challenge, obstacle, or a setback. Sadly, the value of their hopes and dreams are not very substantial or meaningful, as they are often surrendered to the first encounter of a challenge or roadblock.

Hear me out. Failing, encountering setbacks, experiencing opposition, and not meeting expectations definitely hurt and can be frustrating. But as devastating as these things may be and feel, do not give up or quit on your dreams. If your hopes and dreams actually mean something to you, then learn to view challenges, setbacks, and failures as opportunities to grow and evaluate your personal growth and progress. The journey toward your goals and dreams will not be a smooth one, and it probably will take you places that you never thought you might go.

In my opinion, one of the best and strangest lessons that I have learned so far is this: learn to find the opportunity within the obstacle. Every obstacle and challenge that you may face, will provide you with an opportunity. I know that this may sound a little ridiculous. But it is true. Disappointments and setbacks, though initially can be discouraging, if looked at from the other side of the coin, can provide new lessons, perspectives, adjustments, and so on.

Everyone wants the fruit from the tree to achieve their dream. But, the fruit is the last thing that is produced. It would be so convenient to plant a seed, and have a tree grow the very next day. But the seed has a process that must take place in order for the seed to become a seedling. And then from a seedling into a young plant, and from there, it becomes a full-grown tree. Sometimes the young tree will need trimmed, pruned, and even tied to supports to help redirect its growth. Your journey to achieving your dreams and goals might be a long one, and if the goals are substantial and meaningful, the longer they may take to achieve. When challenges come and you face a few disappointments or setbacks, it does not mean that it is time to quit. It is just an opportunity to take a step back and evaluate the situation and where you find yourself on your journey. Perhaps the adjustments that you make will be the ones that take you to your goals faster and better than you ever thought possible!


What will your legacy be?


You’re Gonna Have To Fight For It