You’re Gonna Have To Fight For It

I am the type of person who likes to be told the truth up-front. I like to know what to expect, so I can prepare for what lies ahead. With that in mind, I have to be honest with you. In order for you to reach your goals and chase your dreams, you are going to have to fight for them to become reality.

Most people do not like to hear that. And most people do not like to hear that goals and dreams become reality through a gauntlet of hard work and changes. But, I am assuming that if you have read this far, you are either willing to do the hard things that are required, or that you are sick and tired of being exactly where you are year after year.

Pursuing your dreams and goals requires short-team vision, long-term vision, planning, action, effort, and consistent discipline. But if your goals and dreams mean that much to you, then the sacrifices and effort that you give will all be worth it, in order to achieve them! So prepare yourself to have to fight!

First, you will have to fight yourself. Your old habits, thought patterns, and actions have all gotten you to where you are in life. If you want things to change, and make it possible for your goals and dreams to become reality, you will have to fight your old tendencies. As you do this, you will have to develop new habits, disciplines, thought patterns, and options. If you do not learn to make necessary, and often hard choices, you will really struggle to make any real growth and progress.

Second, you will have to fight the critics and criticism. Critics are everywhere. The criticism can be painful and maddening. But you have to keep in mind several things when dealing with the nay-sayers. One, your goals and dreams are not theirs. They are yours! Two, most nay-sayers are average, mediocre people who have not gone after their own dreams or have chosen to settle. These people often have a negative perspective and outlook on things that they do not understand.

Three, you will have to fight against the odds. Here is where many people cower and bow out before they even pursue their goals and dreams. Do not let what seems to be impossible scare you from doing the impossible! I personally love to challenge the odds. I enjoy not fitting into the average, status quo. It is boring and unfulfilling. Average is dull, unexciting, and boring. Who wants to live an average, basic life? Doing what everyone else wants or does. Challenge the odds, an be exceptional!

Prepare yourself to fight for your goals and dreams! Then fight for them! The world already has plenty of people who are just going with the flow and choosing mediocrity. I personally think that you should choose to fight, and fight hard for your dreams! Choose greatness, not mediocrity! Some things are worth fighting for!


Dealing with Disappointment and Setbacks


One Choice Away