Developing Discipline

Last week, we looked at the concept and benefits of being a disciplined person. This week, we will look at developing the skill of becoming more disciplined.

Being disciplined has tremendous benefits. But if you never become more disciplined, then you will realize those benefits. So how do you become more disciplined?

For starters, you must realize where you currently are. What needs to change? What changes need to be made? And what areas are you going to focus on? One of my all-time favorite quotes is: ‘If you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting what you have always gotten.’ So what needs to change for you? (think about it, and write it down) What choices, habits, and actions in your life are working for you? What choices, habits, and actions are working against you?

Those things that are holding you back or working against you and your progress must be removed or corrected. Old destructive habits need to be replaced with new and better ones. One of the biggest errors that individuals make as they eliminate specific habits, is that they neglect to replace the old habits with new ones. Without replacing old tendencies with new ones, returning to the old tendencies is inevitable.

Another simple way to help you process and approach situations or choices is to take a minute and ask a question or two. Ask yourself: Is what I am about to do going to help my progress, or is it going to hurt my progress? Or you could ask yourself: What is the choice that will get me further ahead? Or lastly; What is the best choice for me, in the long run? Asking yourself a few simple questions before you make a decision, could change the direction of your growth and progress.

Lastly, learning to schedule and manage your time, efforts, and focus will change your level of progress, growth and change. Planning ahead can be a new habit that can help you navigate decisions, even before you have to make them in real life. Learning to schedule your daily activities can help you to prioritize those things that will benefit you, and limit those things that will hold you back. Developing a routine will help you manage your time and efforts, allowing time for things that are beneficial, and limit or eliminate those things that hold you back.

Discipline takes a little time to develop and practice. But, developing your own discipline will help launch you to new levels of personal growth and development that you have yet to experience.


Narrow Your Focus


The Power of Discipline