Narrow Your Focus

     Your level of focus on a particular thing, whether it is a goal, dream, or a change that you are looking to make, will have a huge impact on whether or not you actually make strides toward that target.  One quote that I recently read said, “You cannot do big things if you are distracted by small things.”  If there are things that you are doing, that keep you from working on your goals, then your journey will either take much longer, or you will eventually get completely sidetracked by those little things that steal all your time and energy.

     Distractions, no matter how small or big will steal your focus, time, and energy.  Even good things like social media, movies, and activities, along with others can become things that distract you from what you want to be focused on.  Any distraction, whether big or small will either hinder or keep you from achieving your goals. 

     Something that will help you to narrow your focus, and limit distractions, is to look at what you do on a daily or weekly basis, and see what things need to change or even be removed completely.  Like a weed in a garden, some things need to be completely removed.  If allowed to remain they will steal from your future and impede your growth and your progress. 

     Another way to help yourself remain focused and headed toward success is to learn to plan ahead.  This also involves taking an honest look at your daily or weekly schedule and routine.  If you are aware of events or patterns that will arise in your schedule, it is best to plan ahead for those specific things.  Having a plan in place will help you to resist those things that will come your way and try to pull you off track.  When situations arise during the course of your day or week, having an actual plan in place will make decisions or taking action quite easy.

     Without focus, it is easy to become distracted, trapped, or stagnant in your routines.  But, choosing to become intentionally focused will help you to push distractions aside and continue on your journey of progress and growth.  Remember to choose what you focus on wisely. You can choose to focus on your opportunities, or you can focus on the obstacles. If you focus on the obstacles, you will probably miss out on the opportunities. You can also choose to focus on the struggles, or on the solutions. But if you focus on the struggle, you might miss out on the solutions.

     How about you?  How is it going, in regards to your pursuits?  What do you need to focus on?  What things need to be limited or removed moving forward?


Be Intentional


Developing Discipline