Last week I started a mini-series on character, and the impact that has on a person, their life, their lifestyle, and how they live. For the foreseeable future, I want to focus each week on a different aspect of character and its impact on living with purpose and character.
Discipline is defined as; Controlled behavior resulting from training and self-control. Discipline is the ability to have self-control and function in a predictable manner, in a given situation.
Discipline is often thought of as a negative thing. Usually, it is thought of as an unpleasant experience or something that is done in a manner that is unenjoyable and boring. Or it is thought of as a consequence for failing to do something or meet a particular standard.
That is one way to look at it. But, I think it is the wrong way to look at it. Discipline is something that has a huge upside. You have to choose to look at it from that perspective though. Discipline is a personal characteristic that is developed over time. The more disciplined you become, the more potential you have. The sooner you become disciplined and develop disciplined behaviors, the sooner you will see progress and growth.
There is a price paid for becoming a person who is disciplined. There is also a price paid for deciding to not develop disciplines. You will have to choose which price you will pay. Becoming disciplined usually means that you are willing to give up certain things, in order to grow and make progress. Choosing to not become disciplined can lead to major regrets down the line.
How do you become a disciplined person? Great question. Developing discipline is a process, it takes time, effort, and intentionality. First, you need to realize the benefits of discipline. How they will impact and affect you for the better. Secondly, you will need to develop a plan to help you become more disciplined. What habits, choices, distractions, and routines need to be changed or eliminated? Third, set yourself up for the long haul. Developing discipline will take some time, so plan to take consistent action that will become good habits and move you forward.