Driven and Motivated

Someone who is a person of character is usually highly driven and motivated. A person of character realizes and knows that excelling in all areas of life takes high standards. In order to obtain and maintain a high level of character, a natural drive and genuine motivation will greatly benefit their life and impact.

Drive is the desire and urge to press forward with passion in order to grow or reach goals.

Motivated is the sense of urgency needed in order to achieve desired goals or achieve desired pursuits.

Individuals who are driven and motivated are not complacent or stagnant. They know that they must have a greater desire to grow and move forward in order to reach their goals. Becoming complacent will totally derail their hopes of achieving their goals. Complacency is the choice to live in a non-driven and unmotivated manner. Complacency is choosing to relax and live passively, rather than accept challenges, try again, try harder, or keep going. Complacency is the result of choosing to remain average and settle.

Being driven and motivated is quite the opposite of complacency. People who are driven and motivated know that if you want something or want to achieve something, it is up to them. They are the ones who will have to put in the work. They are the ones who will have to sacrifice for their goals. Otherwise, their goals will be sacrificed if they choose not to sacrifice for their goals. People who are motivated and driven are people of action. They know that action leads to results and that no action leads to no results. These people know that they need to be disciplined and passionate in their actions, choices, and pursuits. (see blog titles ‘Discipline’) They know that it is far better to be proactive than it is to be passive.

Think about an Olympic athlete. What are the qualities and characteristics of these individuals? Two of the top qualities that would be at the top of the list would be their drive and motivation. They know that in order to place high enough in their event in order to medal, they will have to outwork their competition every day. They will have to give their best effort every day. They will have to give their best effort every single practice and every single workout. They will have to find new ways to improve, develop, and refine their skills regularly. Why do they do all of this? They are driven and motivated by the hopes of winning an Olympic medal, the gold one.

So what about you? Do you know what you are pursuing? Do you know why you are pursuing it? What are you doing about it? Are you passive or proactive? You are the one that will either make it happen, or make excuses for why it did not happen. What needs to change? If you choose not to make the change, then you cannot expect to see a change. Make sure that your goals and dreams are big enough to drive and motivate you to put in the work to reach them!



