It’s Here!
It is here! 2025 has arrived! Welcome to a new year!
If you have not been following this blog for very long, let me help you understand what Chasinglife365 is about. At the core, I want to help, encourage, and challenge readers to live their life intentionally with purpose and passion. We only get one life to live. Each one of us is unique. So why not make the most of every day and every opportunity.
What will you do with the new year? Will this year be exactly like all the ones before? Or will you choose to make 2025 different?
I want to give you two quotes as we kick off this year that will hopefully inspire and motivate you. First; “Six months from now, you can either have six months of growth or you can have six months of excuses.” Second; “Do not get upset about the results you did not get, from the work you did not do.”
If 2025 is going to be a different year for you, then it will take some work. Change can be good. But, if you want to make this year different, there are two things that you will have to do. First, you will have to do some work and put in an effort of some kind. Second, you will have to make some changes. If you choose not to put in the necessary effort and work, and do not make necessary changes, then this new year will be like all the rest before.
Let me ask you:
What are your goals for 2025?
How do you want to make 2025 different?
What changes do you need to make?
What kind of effort and work will it involve?