Looking Ahead

It feels weird to say this, as it always does, but this year is almost over. 2025 is right around the corner. In a few, short days, we will say goodbye to 2024 and we will say hello to 2025.

I think that most people typically tend to look forward to the new year. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation for what things may be in store for the future.

Here is my word of caution as 2024 winds down, and 2025 is just days away. We can easily drift through the next year, just like years gone by, if we do not take some time and plan. Far too often, and too easily, we can get caught up in the business and routines of our lives that we lose the value of each day. So in 2025, try to make the most of each day, and don’t just go through the motions.

Two quotes that I often refer to are these: the first is from Mark Twain. “Most men die at 27, we just bury them when they are 72.” The second is from Robin Sharma: “Do not live the same year 75 times, and call it a life.”

These quotes are great reminders. Many people settle far too early in life, and live the remainder of their life on cruise control. They lose the value and significance of the little things and the importance of truly living each and every day. Then there are those who go through the routines of their life, day after day, year after year, doing the same things over and over. Never changing things up and always doing the same things.

We all get one shot at this thing called life. Do not waste it. Cherish it. Make it count. Be more intentional. Make 2025 a year that you live intentionally, with purpose, and with passion.


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