Keep Fighting
One of my favorite songs right now is the song by Cody Johnson, called ‘Til You Can’t.’ There is a line in the song that goes, ‘If you’ve got a dream, chase it because a dream won’t chase you back.’ It is a pretty profound line, in a great song, with a good message.
If you are already on a mission, pursuing your dream or passion, that is awesome! I am so happy and proud of you, for already doing everything that you have done and overcome so far. Keep going and do not quit!
If you have not decided to go after those things that you want, stop waiting. Stop dragging your feet. Stop procrastinating and making excuses! Start living, excuse-free, today.
Perhaps you are in a season where you keep feeling opposition and challenges. Or you feel like every time you start making progress, you are destined to face a new obstacle. Keep going. Your journey is one that continues day after day. The opposition that you face today, is building strength for tomorrow. The challenges and opposition that you face will equip you with knowledge.
The more that your dream and passion mean to you, the harder you will have to fight to see it through. Nothing worthwhile, comes easy. As they say, no pain no gain. If your dreams and passions really mean a lot to you, then be prepared to face resistance. Do not fear the resistance or challenges. Just know that you will meet it along your journey.
If you are in one of those challenging seasons, hang in there. Do not quit or give up. Surrendering to the hard things means that your dream is sacrificed. When you throw in the towel and quit, you are saying that your dreams and passions are not worth the struggles. I want you to know that the passion and dreams that have been given to you (by God) are absolutely going to be worth the struggles that you face.
Keep fighting! Fight hard! You may grow weary. You may stare down fear. You may encounter uncharted territory. But do not quit. It will all be worth it! The journey may be hard and long. But along the way you will develop strength, courage, and character. Your dream-chasing journey will be worth everything that you encounter and face. Keep your head up. Keep moving forward. Keep fighting!