There Will Be an End

It has been said that, ‘all good things come to an end.’ And whoever said that was right. I wish it was not the case, but it is.

Going back to my high school days, I played football and also wrestled. I loved these sports! I loved the teams that I was on. I loved the comradery. I enjoyed the practices and training. The smell of a locker room will still bring back memories of the good ole days for me.

When I think about those days, it brings back fond memories. As I thought about that, in relation to this blog, I also can distinctly recall how my high school athletic days concluded. I can recall that we lost a rainy, cold, muddy football game to our arch-rival. Walking to the locker room with the feeling of losing, and also the heavy reality of knowing that the game we just played was the end of my football-playing days. I can also recall the feelings that I had when I lost a close wrestling match in the sectional tournament, knowing that I would not make it to the district round or state round of wrestling. I can recall going to the hall and slumping against the wall as that reality set in. That was it. That was the end of my wrestling career and my athletic high school career.

The fact is, that one day, eventually, everything will come to an end. Your days of parenting at home will end. Your children are going to grow up. Probably faster than you are going to like. So leave an impact worth remembering. Be a parent who is connected, intentional, and passionate.

One day, your work career will come to an end. Probably not as quickly as you would like. But when you are done, how do you want others to remember you? What will others remember you for?

One day, your window of opportunity will close on chasing your dreams and passions. What will you say, when that day comes? Will you say, man, I am so glad that I overcame my fears? I am so glad that I did not let the unknowns hold me back. Or will you say, I wish I would have chased my dream? I wish I would have tried harder.

Lastly, the day will come when the final chapter of our lives will arrive. Sometimes it arrives at the end of a long and full life. Other times, it arrives abruptly, unexpectedly, and early. Regardless of when or how it arrives, the end will always come. How do you want to be remembered? How will others have been impacted by you? And what will become of your dreams? Will they have become a reality? Or will they have remained what they always were? Just dreams.

Live today, this week, this month, this year, and this life that you have been given with purpose! Live in a way, that you remember there will be an end that arrives one day. Keep in mind at that time, others will only have your memories to hold on to. Make sure that the memories they have of you are good, pure, and inspiring!

All things come to an end. Make sure what remains is enough to leave others better!

In this life, there are few chances to give things a second chance. There is usually one chance to take a chance. I say take the shot! Give this life, every day, your very best effort! Leave no regrets. And in the end, you will be glad that you did.


Keep Fighting


The Power of Words