Obstacle or Opportunity!?

Appearances can be deceiving. I am sure that we can all think of a time or event where we realized that what we saw or heard did not match up with reality.

I for one, am a huge fan of under-dog stories. Where one guy or team arrives in an impossible situation against someone or a team that is far superior, in every way. I tend to be drawn to movies like: Rocky, Invincible, Cinderella man, and others like these. There is something about this kind of story-line that pulls me in, hooks me, and then ignites a fire within.

The story of David and Goliath is one story that is familiar to most people. I would challenge you to re-visit that story, you can find it in 1 Samuel 17. Look at all the details and the events that lead up to the climax of the story, the part where David and Goliath go toe to toe. I love that David, the youngster, is willing and ready to step up to the challenge, despite Goliath’s appearances and battle-ridden accomplishments. Side note: my favorite part of the story, is where it says that David RAN toward Goliath, David did not see an obstacle, he saw an opportunity! And he literally ran right at it!

So what was it that convinced David that he could go to battle with a giant-champion fighter? Sidenote: any time that God is on your side, anything can happen, even what seems to look like the impossible. I believe that a huge piece of David’s victory was his perspective. David saw a very real obstacle and challenge, but he also saw that challenge as an opportunity. Because David saw the opportunity, he took it.

If there is a chance, take it! In life, there are few re-do situations. There was not a David and Goliath 2.0. David chose to seize the moment the first time. If there is an obstacle in your way, it may really be an opportunity. But, you have to have the right perspective. If all we see is the challenge and obstacle, then we may never see the unique opportunity that it may also present!

Maybe it is time for you to step up to the challenge, and see if it is really the opportunity that you have been looking for.


Your life matters, make it count

