What is time? Why is it important? How can you make it more productive and beneficial? These are some great questions to keep in mind as we live and go through this life.
Time is basically a way to measure the span of an event or experience. A life time, is a term we use to condense and summarize the idea of the duration and existence of a person on this earth.
One of the most important ideas to keep in mind, is to remember that this life is very temporary. At any moment, it can end, sometimes without warning. Often our business can cause us to easily forget that our life is something that will come to an end. We can quickly fall into the trap of thinking that we have unlimited time. We often think that there will be plenty of time to do things later or at another more opportune time.
To be honest and blunt, our window of opportunity gets smaller every day. Each passing hour moves us closer to the finish line of our life. But we often forget this. Time becomes much more valuable when we come to the realization that we do not have an infinite amount. When another day passes, and tomorrow arrives, we cannot go back and redo something. Each day is significant! Each day is fleeting.
Make sure that you use today, and your life, to its maximum potential. James 4:14 says “You do not know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’ Our life is but a brief moment in time. We arrive, we live, and we will pass away. Once we come to realize how fast time really goes, and how precious it is, our life and our outlook ought to change. We should focus more on things that have meaning and value, and we should remove things that steal and waste time.
Make sure that when you arrive at the end of your life, that you have truly lived! Make sure that you have no regrets! Be sure to live your life intentionally and on purpose. Live your life so that you would be happy and satisfied with your life, how you used your time, and how you impacted those who you spent time with.
Time is precious. Use it wisely.