Pleasure or Purpose
Whether it makes sense to you or not, one way we can look at and approach life is this, either it is all about pleasure or it is about purpose. Pleasure is the pursuit of that which will lead you and me to seek out those things that will lead to a thrill and temporary feeling of satisfaction. Purpose is the pursuit and doing those things which you and I have been made to do, and a way to live. Pleasure and purpose have a pretty different trajectory, and the pursuit of either will lead to a different destination. Let me explain.
Pleasure is the desire to fulfill a temporary longing for a thrill or achieving a level of temporary satisfaction. Pleasure leans toward the idea of being more selfish, seeking self-pleasure and quick and momentary gratification. Pleasure is a short-lived, momentary experience. Pleasure is generally tied to one’s senses and experiences.
Purpose is the state of being where one has a distinct direction and focus. Purpose also has a long-term timeline, rather than a short-term quick event. Purpose is a lifestyle, a long-term state of action and existence. Purpose is generally tied to one’s lifestyle and choices.
The difference between the two is their focus. One is based on the temporary experience. The other is based on the long-term. One is self-centered, the other is others-centered. One is focused on what the experience will do for themself, the other is focused on what the impact could be for others. One is focused on the sensory experience, and the other is focused on using abilities and character to impact others.
Unfortunately, our world tends to focus on living in the moment and seeking the short-term pleasures. I have found that living with purpose and living on purpose is extremely satisfying, and far less fleeting than the momentary pleasures that are waved in our faces every single day. Also, I would like to highlight the fact that living with purpose is extrememly rewarding and satisfying! Living on purpose sounds a little less exciting, but it is actually pretty fulfilling, it just takes a little more intentionality and more intentional choices.
Some of the best examples that demonstrate the difference between living for pleasure or living with greater purpose are elite-level athletes like collegiate and Olympic wrestlers. These athletes will go into strict, intense, long work out sessions to sharpen their skills. They will endure grueling cardio sessions to achieve peak-level conditioning. They will cut out excessive, extra, and any unnecessary food and liquids to be in the best shape, condition, and strength possible. They live with purpose and for the purpose of competing with intensity! They would rather live with purpose than live for pleasure. They are focused on their goals and will sacrifice whatever is necessary in order to give themselves the best chance of success and victory.
How about you? Pleasure or purpose? The choice is yours. One is short-term and will leave you wanting more. The other is long-term focused and will lead to greater rewards and benefits. Keep this in mind the next time that you are faced with a choice and have to make a decision, will it be pleasure or purpose? Pick wisely.