Dangers of The Comfort Zone

Two quotes that have shaped my perspective, especially in regard to my personal comfort zone are: ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.’ (Walsch) And, ‘A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.’ (unknown) The comfort zone, is literally just that, a zone of comfortability. It is a term that has the idea of being in a state of being where one is comfortable and not challenging oneself or being challenged by others.

Most people tend to enjoy living within the confines of their perceived comfort zone. However, the choice to remain in one’s zone of comfortability has a number of negative consequences. First is complacency. Second is stagnation. Third is lack of direction. Fourth is no drive, purpose, or passion. Lastly, one becomes dull and soft. Let me explain. Complacency is becoming satisfied in a situation and this prevents one from trying harder. Stagnation is the state of being motionless and results from the lack of movement or progress. Where there is no flow or action, there is no direction being pursued. When someone becomes complacent, stagnant, and has no direction, it is usually in part to there being no drive, purpose, or passion by an individual. There is little if any personal growth that occurs in the comfort zone.

The comfort zone can be quite hazardous on an individual level. In regard to growth, achieving goals, or making changes, the comfort zone can be down right deadly!

Elanor Roosevelt said, ‘Do one thing everyday that scares you.’ There are two things that someone needs to do in order to move beyond their comfort zone. First, identify what your comfort zone is comprised of. Second, take action beyond your self imposed limitation. Growth and change both result from taking action and pressing into the fears that you have. Taking daily action beyond your comfort level will force you to grow, change, and mature. If you take Elanor Roosevelt’s advice, you will continually be in the process of growing and changing.

Your comfort zone will limit you. Going beyond your comfort zone moves you into a limitless space of potential. We all have the same choice. We can settle in our comfort zone. There you will fall into routine and stagnation. Or you can challenge yourself. You can choose to challenge yourself and see who you can become, who you can impact, and never settle. Challenging your limits can be pretty wild and exciting, even unpredictable. Which sounds better to you?

How do you need to challenge yourself? What self imposed limits do you need to push and move beyond? How might your life be better if you choose to grow? How might your life remain the same or regress if you decide to remain exactly where you are today, doing the same things that you are doing today, for years and years?


Recipe For Growth


Pleasure or Purpose