Recipe For Growth
In last week’s blog, we looked at the dangers of the comfort zone. The very thing that feels comfortable, could be what is holding you back from growing and achieving your full potential. The comfort zone breeds complacency, stagnation, lack of purpose or direction, and stifles your growth. In order to go beyond and grow beyond the limitations of your comfort zone; things have to change, and you have to change.
Many people look to find inspiration and motivation to help them jump start their process of growth. Though these are two good places to start, they will not get you to where you need to go. Inspiration and motivation will eventually fade and weaken in their effect. The character trait that you need to develop is discipline. Discipline is the personal and often strict training that is used to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. Often the main trait developed is self control. Discipline allows to focus our energy and effort on our pursuits, and not wasting our energy and effort on things that steal and waste our energy and focus. Discipline and self-control will keep you doing what you need to do, when you’re not feeling inspired or motivated.
Another key to growth is taking action. Many times people will hope and wait around to see if something will change. Change and growth happen when you take action. Change will always lead to change. First, you will need to take some time and consider what direction you want to go, and what results you would like to see. Then, you will need to take some time and see what current things need to change. Once you identify what needs to change, you have to change those things that you use to do, and figure our what new things you have to become disciplined in.
Another part of growth is making the choice and decision to move. It may be physically relocating. It may be in regard to the limitations that you have put on yourself, or that you have allowed others to put on you. But either way, you have to move beyond your comfort zone. Remember, your comfort zone will hold you back, even if you do not realize it at this moment. Choosing to move may seem unsettling and uncertain, but it will result in change and growth.
One of my favorite quotes is this: ‘A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.’ A ship in a harbor is tied down, stagnant and unmoving. A ship in harbor is rocked gently by little rolling waves. A ship in harbor, long-term, is not heading anywhere or serving a purpose. But a ship has purpose, direction, and destiny, when it is untied from the dock and leaves the safety of the harbor. A ship is made to be on the sea, moving and heading to another destination.
You too have a greater purpose. You have been made for more. It is time to set sail. It is time to grow! Develop discipline. Make necessary changes. Get moving! Do these few things and you will be glad that you did! You will be amazed where you will go and the things that you will do!