The Power of Words

One of the biggest ways to impact and empower others in this life, is through the use of our words. Our words have incredible power and impact. Our words have the ability to destroy, cripple, damage, and cut. Our words also have the ability to encourage, build up, strengthen, and heal.

The choice is yours. How will you decide to use your words? Your words could literally shape and affect the future of others that you interact with and talk with. Have you ever thought about the words you use? Have you ever thought about the way you use words? Have you ever thought about the impact that you could have on others, just through your words alone?

Proverbs 18:21 says that: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Our words can literally cause destruction, or they can encourage. They can heal or hurt. They can help or harm. They can carefully encourage, or they can carelessly destroy. Our words can literally give life or steal it away. Much like watering a plant, kind and timely words will allow the recipient to grow. And on the other hand, harsh and careless words can destroy and kill.

Helping and encouraging others is one of the greatest blessings of this life. Being able to assist and build someone else up is a feeling like no other. It is an awesome experience to step into someone else’s life and pour into them, and watch them grow and blossom.

Who are you interacting with on a regular basis? Are you building them up or tearing them down? Are you an encouragement to them or a discouragement?

Are you a parent? How are your words impacting your children? How are they helping your children to grow and develop? Are the words you are using empowering and strengthening them? Or do your words leave your children wounded and feeling worthless?

Are you a boss or person in a position over-seeing others? How are your words affecting those that you are in charge of? Are you an encouraging and inspiring leader? Or do your words and interactions leave others feeling wounded and unappreciated?

Are you a spouse? How are your words affecting your other half? Do your words encourage and motivate? Do they help or harm? Do they show your spouse love, appreciation, and affirmation? Or do they leave them empty and undervalued?

Are you a teacher? Do your words inspire and empower? Or do they tend to be critical and harsh?

You see, your words, have incredible impact and power! The interactions that we have will either give others more life, or they will take it away. Our words will either add value or they will devalue. Our words will help others to grow or they will hinder them.

If your words can impact and affect others, then you should also consider the things that you tell yourself. What kind of things do you tell yourself? When you mess up, do you put yourself down? When you have success or make progress in an area, do you congratulate yourself? The things that you tell yourself are just as important as the things that you say to others!

As you go through this life, choose to use your words to encourage, empower, and bless others. Leave a legacy of impact, through interactions that leave others better and not bitter.


There Will Be an End


A Simple Reminder