Derek Curless Derek Curless

Take the next steps

The first step is critical and necessary. The first step gets the ball to move. The first step lines up the ones that follow!

The first step gets things moving. And the next one begins to make things happen! Once you take the first action in pursuing your goals and dreams, do not stop there. Follow the first step with the second, third, and fourth ones. Action is important, and regular consistent action, over time, will yield incredible results. Do not stop after the first step is taken. Keep going! The more steps that you take, the farther you go.

Consider this: when you decide to plant a garden, you do not go to a store or nursery and purchase a bunch of seeds and call it a day. You buy the seeds, based on what kind of harvest and return that you want to get. But the process does not end when you purchase the seeds. There are a whole bunch of steps that must be taken before you will see the desired harvest that you are hoping for. You will need to till the ground. Then you will need to plant the seeds in rows. Once you plant the seeds, you will need to water them. Once the seedlings are above ground, you will need to make sure that weeds do not sneak in and steal the nourishment that your plants need to grow and thrive. And one of the most important parts of ‘farming’ is patiently waiting. In time, the efforts and actions that you take to get your seedling from seed to bearing fruit will be worth it.

Waiting and working is always a process. Being patient and persistent, while working toward your goals and dreams is important! Taking consistent action, every day, and paring that with a season of time, will result in you reaching your desired outcome. Taking the next steps will keep you on track, and keep you making consistent progress. Daily action, will keep the momentum going! It is easier to continue making progress, when you make progress every day. Keeping the momentum going is also much easier than starting and stopping and starting and stopping over and over again.

Once you decide to take the first step toward you goals and dreams, keep going! Do not stop! Go! Go! Go! Stay focused on the end goals, and keep moving towards them!

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Take the First step

“The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step.” -Tzu. Man, was he right! Every journey or dream lives (or dies) in that crucial first step! If the first step is never taken, then there will be no journey, or growth, or progress. The first step has to be taken.

A baby has to stand up, and take that first wobbly step. They will absolutely fall down, numerous times. But they will also get up and try it again and again and again! But the key point is, that the baby makes the attempt at that very first step. Without taking that first shaky step, the baby will never begin the process of learning how to independently walk on their own. There is a process to learning to walk for every baby, and it all begins with their first attempt at that very first step.

And so it is with you and me. Taking the first step in a new direction, or into a new arena, may be a daunting or uncertain thing to do. But it is necessary if that is where your journey takes you. If you have goals, dreams, or a passionate calling, making that first move is imperative! Without taking that step, there will not be a journey. Read that again! You will never achieve your goals, or dreams, or calling, if you are not willing to take that critical first step!

So what is it that is holding you back??? Is it inexperience? Lack of knowledge? Excuses? Procrastination? Resources? What is the reason that you have not, or are not taking the first step??? The best part about these things, is that they can all be overcome or reversed. And they must be, in order to move in the direction of your growth and goals.

Here is a little transparency, and a glimpse at my first steps. Around three years ago, I began to think about writing a book. I had never done that before, and I was very uncertain about every part of the process. But the more I thought about writing a book, the more excited I became. The more excited I became, the more the ideas began to flow. I began to write my thoughts and ideas down in a note book. (I strongly recommend this; write down your thoughts and ideas as soon as you possibly can.) As I began writing ideas down, and began filling pages with my thoughts and ideas, I began to visualize my book coming into form. The first steps for me were: putting thoughts onto paper, and from the paper onto a typed document on my computer. From there, the process continued, until I had my first book published.

It all begins with taking the very first (uncertain) step(s). Why wait any longer?

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Derek Curless Derek Curless

Ready or not, GO!

There are times in life that come along, when you may or may not feel ready to take the plunge. Sometimes it is a moment that we have prepared for and have worked for, for a long time. Sometimes the moment arrives when it is not expected. What will you do when the moment arrives for you?

I believe that too many people hesitate, or back away when presented with an opportunity. I also believe that another reason that people pass on opportunities is because the opportunity often appears in the form of an obstacle.

Other times, we over think things. We hope that the perfect situation will come along. We want things to line up perfectly, and play out just right. When we do not see things lining up just right, we talk ourselves out of taking action.

My suggestion: narrow your vision on your hopes, dreams, aspirations, and calling. Set up a specific game plan to take action and make progress as you chase life (as you pursue your hopes, dreams, and aspirations). Once you have your specific goals and visions, make your plan of action, and GO! Get to work. No more excuses. No more procrastinating. Get to work, and sooner is always better.

“Some-day”, is not a day of the week. Procrastination and fear are dream killers. Stop being lazy. Stop making excuses. If you really want something, get to work. You will never wish yourself into results.

Ready or not, GO! Start today! Start now! There is an old Chinese proverb that says “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time, is now.” Get to work now! The sooner you get to putting in the work, the sooner you will see results. James 2:17 says that ‘Faith without works (or action) is dead.’ Action is a proof or evidence of what one believes. In the realm of chasing life, you have to get to work! Sooner is always better.

In my bedroom, I have a small sign on the wall. It is a powerful reminder and motivator for me, every day. It reads, ‘wake up, say a prayer and hustle!’ Every day that I wake up, I check in with God, and then I get moving! Consistent action build results (they can be positive or negative). Choose wisely.

Ready or not, GO!

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