Big Dreams and Small Steps
Too many times, individuals will either do too much, or not enough, as they try to achieve goals and dreams that they have. In doing too much they can burn themselves out by trying to do too much in a very short amount of time. Others, on the other hand do not do enough and they do not see any results, so they quit. Personally, I think the key is balance.
Somewhere between the two extremes of doing too much and not doing enough is the sweet spot for success. There is great power and results found when you have consistent actions over a period of time. Somebody once said: ‘It takes many years to become an overnight success.’ There are no shortcuts to reaching goals that truly mean a lot to you. Doing too much in a short period of time can burn you out. Not doing enough will frustrate and aggravate you, when you do not see anything happening.
Reaching your dreams or goals is kind of like watching a toddler learning to walk. It is not pretty. It takes time. It is a process. It is a little bumpy. They pull themselves up. They wobble. They stand on shaky legs. They take an uncertain step or two and fall down. But they get back up. They repeat these steps until they stand on stronger and more confident legs. And they take more confident steps, covering more ground each time before they fall. It is all part of the process.
Any goal that you have, should have meaning and conviction behind it. Without meaning or conviction, your goal is shallow and lacks purpose. But, if you have great conviction about your goal, you will be more likely to find a way to reach it. Too many times in our current world, people expect things to happen too easily. If we are honest, we would realize that easier does not mean better. Think about it like this: you have a choice between two meals. The first is a microwavable dinner. Just unbox it, put it in the microwave, set the time, and in a matter of minutes, you have a meal. Or option two, you take the ingredients that you need for a delicious dinner, put them in a crock pot, and in a few hours you have dinner that tastes amazing, fills you and satisfies you. Which one sounds better? The crock pot dinner does. But, it takes time, its part of a process. The same thing goes for your goals and dreams.
Small habits and actions are powerful. If you read 20 pages a day, that is about 30 books per year. If you save $10 a day, that is $3,650 a year. If you run one mile a day, that is equal to 365 miles a year. Small steps lead to big results. You need to start, be consistent, and it is only a matter of time until you see progress and goals being reached. Like someone once said, ‘Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.’
In order to finish anything, you have to take the first step. You have to start in order to actually accomplish what you set out to do. If you never start, then you will never finish or reach the destination. It really is that simple.
Every single process has a starting point. It usually starts as an idea and then is developed into a plan. The plan is developed and then put into action. Once action is taken, consistently over time, then the results come. It is usually not this simple and smooth in real life, but that is the general pattern.
One example to keep in mind, that will help you understand the process and the importance of getting started, comes from a seed. Let’s use an apple seed for this example. If the apple seed is never planted, watered, or put in the right amount of light, it will never become what it could or should become. The apple seed will not have a chance to flourish and bear more fruit if it is never planted, watered, or put in enough sunlight. Without the initial step, the starting point, the apple seed will never reach its full potential.
If you are passionate about an idea that you have. Get to work. Put together a game plan. Seek some advice from someone with experience. Then get to work.
Get out of your own way. Get out of your own head. Start doing the thing! Stop thinking about what might go wrong. Start thinking about what could go right! Remember, if you never start, you will never know.
You Only Live Once
If there was one quote to summarize the focus of, it might just be this one. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” - Mae West You probably should read that again, a few times. We all get one shot at living this life. So do it right. Do it to the best of your ability.
There are a few things to keep in mind and remember as you journey through this life, in order to make it count. Here are a few important things to be mindful of: living on purpose, living with passion, your impact, your perspective, and valuing things that matter.
Learn to live on purpose. Far too often people can go through life on auto-pilot. Just going through life, day to day, without giving much thought to anything. Before they know it, they have spent years and years going through the motions or doing what everyone else does. But, you are not everyone else. You are one in 8 billion. You are unique in so many ways. Do not settle for average, or what everyone else does. That is not you, and that is not who you were made to be. Live each day with purpose.
Learn to live passionately. Time flies. There is no going back. Each day that we are given, is a gift. Do not waste your time. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. Time is the one thing that we cannot make more of. So when you wake up each day, be determined to live it to its maximum potential!
Be mindful of your impact. You are being watched by someone, everywhere. Whether it is your children, co-workers, neighbors, or someone else, you are being watched. So you have a potential impact and influence everywhere that you go. Make your impact and influence something that encourages and inspires others.
Learn to see the things that matter, and realize the things that do not have value. The things that do not have much value tend to steal our time, focus, and energy from those things that do have genuine value. Learning to reduce or remove the things that do not matter much could be something that adds significant time and value to those things that really do matter.
Lastly, learn to adjust your perspective. Learn to see each day as a new opportunity. Realizing that time is precious and opportunities run out, will shift how you view your life and how you live.
Remember that you will only live this life once. Live it with purpose and passion. Keep in mind your impact, and remember to focus on those things that matter most. Lastly, learning to adjust your perspective will help you to see routine things in new ways. By doing these few things, you can shift your priorities and elevate your level of truly living each and every day!
Be Consistent
The last few weeks we have taken a look at a few characteristics and habits that serve as building blocks to reaching goals and growing. We looked at the importance and value of staying focused and being intentional in life. This week we will look at the significance of being consistent.
Being consistent is one of the most important choices that a person can make. Far too often, individuals will start something and very quickly pause doing it. Then they will sporadically start up again, and turn right around and pause again. They continue this cycle of stop and go, over and over. And then they wonder why they are not seeing or making the progress that they thought they should be making.
What they fail to realize is that growth, progress, and success all take time and consistency. Without being consistent, an individual’s results in any area will be sporadic and unpredictable. However, by staying focused, being intentional, and staying consistent, an individual will be able to make regular and consistent progress.
So, how does one become more consistent? Here are a few pointers and suggestions (modify to fit and apply to your goals). First, just do it. No more excuses. One of my all-time favorite quotes is: ‘You can have results, or you can have excuses, but you cannot have both.’ Get rid of your excuses and get after it! Second, keep going. Do not stop. Once you get the ball rolling, keep it moving. Break the cycle of stop and go. Momentum is a huge benefit when it comes to making progress in any area. Third, remember that results take time. Anything worth pursuing or achieving is worth the work and the wait. Think about a fruit tree. It starts out as a seed that gets planted. Over the course of time (years) it grows and grows. Eventually, when it is mature and ready, then it produces fruit. But, it cannot produce fruit until it has grown and matured enough to reach the point of producing its own fruit.
Consistency, over time will get you where you want to be. Hang in there. Keep going. Keep growing.
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Be Intentional
Far too often we can roll through our daily life in auto-pilot. We can fall into habits and routines that get us from day to day without any thought. Our habits and routines can be good, and sometimes they can be bad. Bad, in the way that they may not help us to grow, or make room for pursuits that we are passionate about. Not all habits or routines are bad, but if there is an on-going routine that does not allow for change, growth, or greater pursuits, then perhaps it is time to make some changes and to be more intentional with how you live.
What does it mean to be intentional? Intentional means: doing something on purpose, with intention, or by design. Living intentionally means that a person is highly aware of themselves, their surroundings, and their resources. What are resources? Time, energy, relationships, and money, these are all examples of resources that we have available to us. By being aware of our resources, we can better focus on living, and living more intentionally.
The opposite of intentionality is just going through the motions and living passively. Going through the motions and living without purpose is typical of someone who is not really living in a mindful or purposeful manner.
When someone is more intentional with their resources, there are multiple benefits. Typically, someone like this will not want to waste or lose their time, opportunities, or energy. They realize the value of every opportunity they receive, the blessing of each new day, and how precious life is. Intentional people often are more structured and passionate about their schedules, habits, choices, and routines. If something, or someone is a hindrance to their goals or values, then these things are usually limited, reduced, or removed from an intentional person’s lifestyle. When someone is intentional, they want to maximize their focus and effort. So they will reduce or eliminate distractions in order to pursue growth and progress.
Being more intentional is about being more mindful of your life and the direction that you are heading. So what do you need to do? Do you find yourself going through the motions? Is your daily and weekly routine allowing you to grow, or are you stuck in an endless cycle? What needs to change? What things need more focus? What things need less attention and time?
Narrow Your Focus
Your level of focus on a particular thing, whether it is a goal, dream, or a change that you are looking to make, will have a huge impact on whether or not you actually make strides toward that target. One quote that I recently read said, “You cannot do big things if you are distracted by small things.” If there are things that you are doing, that keep you from working on your goals, then your journey will either take much longer, or you will eventually get completely sidetracked by those little things that steal all your time and energy.
Distractions, no matter how small or big will steal your focus, time, and energy. Even good things like social media, movies, and activities, along with others can become things that distract you from what you want to be focused on. Any distraction, whether big or small will either hinder or keep you from achieving your goals.
Something that will help you to narrow your focus, and limit distractions, is to look at what you do on a daily or weekly basis, and see what things need to change or even be removed completely. Like a weed in a garden, some things need to be completely removed. If allowed to remain they will steal from your future and impede your growth and your progress.
Another way to help yourself remain focused and headed toward success is to learn to plan ahead. This also involves taking an honest look at your daily or weekly schedule and routine. If you are aware of events or patterns that will arise in your schedule, it is best to plan ahead for those specific things. Having a plan in place will help you to resist those things that will come your way and try to pull you off track. When situations arise during the course of your day or week, having an actual plan in place will make decisions or taking action quite easy.
Without focus, it is easy to become distracted, trapped, or stagnant in your routines. But, choosing to become intentionally focused will help you to push distractions aside and continue on your journey of progress and growth. Remember to choose what you focus on wisely. You can choose to focus on your opportunities, or you can focus on the obstacles. If you focus on the obstacles, you will probably miss out on the opportunities. You can also choose to focus on the struggles, or on the solutions. But if you focus on the struggle, you might miss out on the solutions.
How about you? How is it going, in regards to your pursuits? What do you need to focus on? What things need to be limited or removed moving forward?
Developing Discipline
Last week, we looked at the concept and benefits of being a disciplined person. This week, we will look at developing the skill of becoming more disciplined.
Being disciplined has tremendous benefits. But if you never become more disciplined, then you will realize those benefits. So how do you become more disciplined?
For starters, you must realize where you currently are. What needs to change? What changes need to be made? And what areas are you going to focus on? One of my all-time favorite quotes is: ‘If you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting what you have always gotten.’ So what needs to change for you? (think about it, and write it down) What choices, habits, and actions in your life are working for you? What choices, habits, and actions are working against you?
Those things that are holding you back or working against you and your progress must be removed or corrected. Old destructive habits need to be replaced with new and better ones. One of the biggest errors that individuals make as they eliminate specific habits, is that they neglect to replace the old habits with new ones. Without replacing old tendencies with new ones, returning to the old tendencies is inevitable.
Another simple way to help you process and approach situations or choices is to take a minute and ask a question or two. Ask yourself: Is what I am about to do going to help my progress, or is it going to hurt my progress? Or you could ask yourself: What is the choice that will get me further ahead? Or lastly; What is the best choice for me, in the long run? Asking yourself a few simple questions before you make a decision, could change the direction of your growth and progress.
Lastly, learning to schedule and manage your time, efforts, and focus will change your level of progress, growth and change. Planning ahead can be a new habit that can help you navigate decisions, even before you have to make them in real life. Learning to schedule your daily activities can help you to prioritize those things that will benefit you, and limit those things that will hold you back. Developing a routine will help you manage your time and efforts, allowing time for things that are beneficial, and limit or eliminate those things that hold you back.
Discipline takes a little time to develop and practice. But, developing your own discipline will help launch you to new levels of personal growth and development that you have yet to experience.
The Power of Discipline
We all have days and seasons where we tend to feel unmotivated or uninspired. There are times when we may be tempted to take the day off or let things slide for a little while. But, these are choices that will have a negative effect, either in the short term or long term.
How do you counter and combat the times of feeling unmotivated or uninspired?
The answer is that you develop the habit of discipline and self-control. You need to learn and train yourself to do something, even when you do not feel like doing it. That is discipline. Discipline is: ‘Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. Self-control.’
Developing discipline is a habit that takes time to develop. And over time, you will see that developing discipline will pay off in many ways. Motivation and inspiration will fluctuate. However, learning to master discipline will allow you to remain unwavering in your pursuits, even when you may be lacking in inspiration.
Discipline will impact and affect your habits, actions, and choices in a very positive way. Being disciplined allows you to make the best decision possible, even when you do not feel like it. Being disciplined is like having a budget for your time, energy, effort, and focus. Instead of wondering where it all goes, you already know where it will go, because you have a plan in place. Being undisciplined will do the opposite. You will waste time, effort, energy, and your focus. Instead of getting the results that you want, you will end up with lost opportunities.
(next week we will look at a few ways to develop more and better personal discipline)
Producing Results
There is one simple thing that will produce results; action. Action always produces results. There is a saying that goes, ‘You can have results or excuses, but you cannot have both.’ It is true. If you put in the time and effort, you will eventually produce results. If you choose to do nothing, then you will ultimately get nothing. Action produces results.
Nothing will change if you decide to make zero changes.
“If you want something that you have never gotten, then you will have to do something that you have never done.’ This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. If you continue to do what you have always done, then you will continue to remain exactly where you are. The definition of insanity is: ‘Doing something over and over again, expecting different results.’ If you continue on the path that you are currently on, doing the exact same things that you are doing now, you will be in the exact same position that you are in right now, years from now.
However, if you decide to make changes in your life and daily routine, then you will see things begin to play out differently and see things begin to change. If you want your life to be different and look different at this same time next year, then you will have to get to work. When you begin to make changes in your life, lifestyle, decisions, outlook, and actions, then your life will begin to look different too. When you make changes in your life, choices, disciplines, and decision-making, you will see how those things will begin to reshape and redirect the trajectory of your life.
If you really want to see things look different and start seeing progress being made, then consider your actions or lack of action. Remember, you can have results or excuses, but you cannot have both. Keep moving forward. Make necessary changes. Get to work. And before too long, you will start to recognize the progress and difference that is being made. Whatever your goal, dream, or passion, you have to put effort in, in order to get results. Without action, your dreams will remain a wish list.
Team Work
The past two week’s blogs have been about “Finding the One,’ and "‘Being the One.’ This week, we will take a look at the aspect of team work. This is a critical aspect for any relationship that wants to function, improve, and ultimately thrive. A favorite quote that I really likes says: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.’ There really is something special that can be said for the power of a strong relationship that grows throughout the course of life.
But what makes teamwork work? What is it that makes teamwork special?
Teamwork develops unity and trust. People that learn to work together will have a greater potential for growth and success in life. Unity allows individuals to come together and work on themselves, and work toward common goals. One of the greatest analogies that I have heard about any relationship goes something like this. It is kind of like playing tug of war. If you pull against each other you wear yourselves out pulling against each other. But, if you both grab onto the same end and pull together, it is pretty easy. Feel free to tuck that analogy away for your own use later.
Teamwork allows everyone involved to accomplish far more than any one individual could. Collectively there is more talent, strength, ability, experience, and wisdom. When you know who your partner is, and what they bring to the table, you realize their value and worth in the relationship. In the Bible, in Ecclesiastes 6, there is a list of benefits of teamwork. It includes: friendship, help, and greater results.
Relationships that have strong unity, trust, communication and drive are on their way to having a thriving relationship. Relationships with these four attributes are in a great position for whatever comes their way. The good news is that any relationship that does not have all of these attributes can still develop them and grow.
Developing teamwork within a relationship is critical to growth, success, and achieving goals. Without teamwork and unity, a relationship will struggle and fade. But with teamwork; developing unity, trust, and communication a relationship can thrive!
Being the One
Last week we took a look at the importance of ‘finding the one.’ The decision of who to spend your life with is one that should not be taken lightly. At the same time, being the other one, for someone else is an important role to have and fill. Being someone else’s choice is an important role and responsibility. So how do you set yourself apart and be a teammate that benefits and builds up the relationship? The following are a few character traits and actions that will help to strengthen and benefit your relationship. Being a good teammate is critical to a successful and thriving relationship. The following few paragraphs will share several concepts and character traits that will help you be a better teammate.
First, be dependable. This builds trust and confidence within the relationship. Being dependable means that you do what you say you will do. It means that you will develop a track record of being trustworthy and diligent. If you fail to prove yourself as dependable, then you will lack a key part of the foundation to developing a great relationship, by not having trust. Being a dependable partner develops deeper trust within the relationship.
Next, learn to communicate. Learn to listen and understand. Communication is one of the greatest necessities there is when it comes to having a successful and thriving team. One of the biggest things to do in the arena of communication is to really learn to listen and understand your spouse. Hear what they are saying, and seek to understand. If you are not clear on something, ask for clarification. Communication is important, and establishing clear communication is even better.
Third, develop a relationship that emphasizes teamwork. Teamwork is a crucial part of being a couple who grow together and thrives. Being a good spouse is about learning to work together. Teamwork is a very fluid concept. But the bottom line is that you work together, in a committed manner, in order to grow and move forward together.
Growth is another huge part of being a spouse who helps a relationship grow and mature. Nobody wants to end life in the exact same place that they are in now. Neither would we want to arrive at the end of our marriage in the exact same place that we are in at this very moment. I think we all want to be the best and make the most out of the relationships that we are in. But if we remain the same as we are right now, then we will never know how good it can get.
These four aspects will significantly impact the direction and depth of your relationships. In order to have a relationship that flourishes, learn to be a person who is and becomes: more dependable, learns to effectively communicate, is a team player, and wants to grow. With these four things, you are well on your way to being a spouse who will contribute greatly to a healthy and growing relationship.
Finding the One
One of the biggest decisions that you will ever make in this lifetime, is choosing who you will spend it with. Choosing your friends is a choice that will profoundly impact who you become as the years go by. But, choosing who you will marry and commit to is an even more significant decision. In today’s world of convenience and ease, it may be time for an honest look at what I believe is one of the most important decisions that anyone can make.
In the world of technology, there are always two sides to everything. Technology has both pros and cons. What is gained, is not always worth what is lost. In today’s modern world, convenience is great, and also detrimental. It is almost too easy to connect and communicate with people, and at the same time, it has become a challenge to go deep with them at the same time.
Consider the following. Would you rather have a microwavable or slow-cooked dinner? One you just put in the microwave for a few minutes. A few minutes later it is ready to eat. But is just ok, not that great, and lacks the taste, flavor and texture of a good, home-cooked meal. Or would you rather have a slow-cooked dinner that takes some preparation, and time to cook? Where when you are done eating it, the taste, texture, and satisfaction are all appreciated? See the difference? One takes time, the other does not. One tastes amazing, the other one, not so much. One is convenient, the other takes work and time. But there is a profound difference in the quality and outcome of the meal. See the difference?
Marriage and relationships are very similar. And being one of the most important decisions that you make, the following things should be considered as you are looking for ‘the one’ or as you build your relationship with ‘the one.’
Find a good teammate. Someone you can lean on and depend on. Marriage is not a place for selfishness or independence. It is a relationship that requires work, unity, sacrifice, and collaboration. Having a marriage where you can depend on your teammate is huge. The further and deeper that you go into your marriage, the more important you will realize this is.
Commitment is key. Commitment is not a feeling. It is a choice to stay tied in with your spouse. No matter what. That is what your wedding vows are for. Unfortunately, in today’s world, what we say and promise is far too easily taken back and reversed. For better or worse, usually only means for the better, because people don’t want to be around for the worst. Our world has conditioned people to accept what is easy and convenient and to take the easy road when things get ugly and difficult. But, I would contend that the couples who work through the ugly parts of life and marriage are the couples that are deeper in love and have a greater depth in their relationships.
Work and adjust together. Be flexible. Who you are when you get married will not be the same person that you are five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years into your marriage. Your spouse will not be the same person that you married either. You may have kids. They will be in a variety of phases of life. My point is that life does not remain the same. Things will change. Learn to be flexible. Learn to communicate, work, and adjust as needed, throughout the phases of life and relationship that you find yourself in.
Move forward and grow. Do not become stagnant. One of the goals of your marriage should be to help your spouse to blossom into the person that they were created to be. Your relationship is as much about you, as it is about them. You should want your spouse to grow and mature as much as possible, with your help. As you journey through life together, you should help each other to grow and become the best version of themselves as possible. There is no room for pride or selfishness in your relationship. Rather unity, humility, and teamwork should be some things that define and promote your relationship as time goes on.
Finding the one, is just the beginning of far greater things to come. Connecting and growing with the one is guaranteed to take your relationship to levels that you could only have imagined, as you started out.
Discover your Purpose
Recently, I took an online assessment in an attempt to try and receive some insight and direction. From the results that I received, everything seemed to pretty much line up with who I am as an individual and where I am in life. Taking the assessment and then receiving the analysis definitely gave me a boost of confidence and reaffirmed where I am right now in life. It also got me thinking. How many people are living their lives on purpose? And how many are just going through this life on auto-pilot, without a sense of purpose or direction?
Have you ever asked yourself the question, ‘Why am I here?” If so, you are not alone. I hope that everyone has taken time to think about this question. I hope that everyone has or will take the time to pursue the answer too. It would be a real shame to live your entire life, and never realize that you had a different, greater purpose, and never pursued it.
There are 8 billion people on this planet. Every one of them is unique. There are no copies, each one is an original, one-of-a-kind. Each one has their own giftings, abilities, personality, character, likes, dislikes, the list goes on and on.
With that being said, have you ever thought about what makes you one of a kind or different? If you are different and one-of-a-kind, then why? What role would fit you best? Far too often, people make the mistake of doing what everyone else is doing, or what everyone else thinks that they should do. But, when we choose to do this, we are choosing to suppress those unique qualities that set us apart.
Perhaps it is a good time to pause and reflect on your own life and journey. Have you settled into a career or routine? Does your weekly schedule rejuvenate and inspire you? How much do you emphasize or focus on using your gifts, abilities or passions? Take the time to pursue the answer to the question; “What is my purpose in this life.” It might make all the difference in how you live the rest of your life.
Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day! Just like Mother’s Day, dads get their own blog too. Let’s jump in.
An active and intentional father is an individual who has a profound impact on his family. His impact is both immediate and also generational. How he carries himself and conducts himself will affect his family in the short term, and also be passed on to generations to come. Statistically speaking, the impact of an intentional and involved father has a positive and profound impact on many areas and aspects of the family and children.
A good father provides direction as he raises and leads his children and family. He leads and navigates through the present moments, but also has the future in mind. Fathers provide guidance, insight, wisdom, and perspective. They help give direction on a daily basis, and at the same time, they are preparing their children for the future and their children’s independence.
A good father will admit and own up to faults, poor decisions, and shortcomings. Kids know when something is not genuine. So don’t act or pretend to be perfect. Nobody is. Kids need a father who has open communication with them, and who is willing to admit when we have messed up, gotten angry, yelled, or anything else that sets a poor example. Kids appreciate honest, open, and genuine relationships. A father should provide an excellent example of that. If you want a close relationship with your children, be willing to quickly own up to mistakes or poor choices and make it right as soon as possible.
A good father is also intentional. When you realize the magnitude of the potential impact that you can have on your children, it will change how you approach your role as their dad. There is more passion, purpose, and urgency in everything that you do as your children’s father. Who they are, and who they become will be shaped and impacted by you. The things you say, the things you do, and how you do both of those will influence your children in a big way.
Happy father’s day! Stay connected to your kids. Be intentional in how you raise them. Provide them with good direction. Own up to the times when you drop the ball and make mistakes. Keep doing these things, and you will continue to be a father with a powerful and meaningful relationship with your kids.
Living Distracted
As you have probably noticed, I like to pass on different quotes and examples that drive home a specific point. Here is the quote that inspired this blog; ‘If you do not separate yourself from distractions, your distractions will separate you from your goals.’ You should probably reread that.
I have never heard it put quite like that before. But, the statement is true and powerful. It is also a statement with profound meaning and potential.
What is a distraction? A distraction is anything that takes your focus, attention, and energy off of those things that you want to do or achieve. Have you ever taken time to think about what things might be a distraction from your personal dreams, goals, purpose or passion? If you never have, then perhaps right now might be a good time to do just that.
What types of things could be distractions? Well, that is a loaded question, because not all distractions are bad things in and of themselves. But, these things could potentially get in the way, if they are not kept in check. Too much tv, binge watching movies or tv series, excessive laziness, sports leagues, and other things that can consume excessive amounts of time and energy. Time is something that cannot be found, or manufactured. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. So things that use your time or waste time should be weighed carefully. What may seem like a small distraction or hobby, may actually be what is keeping you from reaching your full potential.
When someone is trying to make changes in their life, one of the most successful ways of making long-lasting changes is to, replace old habits with new ones. If you try to just drop an old habit, without replacing it with a new and better option, then the tendency is to go right back to the old habit. Another helpful practice is to envision the future, your future. How would your life look different or better if you chose to make a few changes in your life? Six months, one year, or even five years from now your life could look much different, if you replace old habits with new ones, and place more emphasis on the value of your time and energy usage.
Maybe it is time for you to take a moment and think about what this blog might mean for you, and for your future. Is there something that needs to change? Is there a distraction or two that needs to be changed, adjusted or even removed from your daily or weekly schedule? What could be the impact on your life and future if you removed the distractions and focused on your goals, dreams, and purpose?
Celebrate Your Wins
If you have made the decision to attempt something new or challenged yourself to try something again, congratulations! If you have tried something and failed, please realize that is a normal part of the process. If you have failed and gotten back up to try again, you are awesome! That takes guts!
Let me start by saying that most people will refuse to even try new things. Whether it is fear or the thought of having others watching you struggle as you try something new, keep in mind that the vast majority of people will never even try. Do not be afraid or ashamed to try something new or to try something over and over again. Remind yourself that if it were easy, then everyone else would be doing it.
One of the most beneficial things that you can do as you attempt something new or try something again, is to celebrate your wins along the way. Celebrate your progress, growth, and achievement, no matter how big or small. Keep track of your personal progress and celebrate your personal growth and achievements, as you make incremental progress toward your ultimate goals.
I have known many people who have decided to make changes or quit certain habits, and one consistent thing that they did, was to track and celebrate their individual progress. For someone trying to lose some weight, track your progress through the process and celebrate when you reach specific targets along the way. For someone trying to drop a bad habit, track the progress and celebrate when you reach certain goals. If your are trying something new, track you attempts and track your growth. And remember to take time to celebrate your progress along the way.
It does not matter what your personal goals may be. Set your big goal, the one goal that you are shooting for. Then, break it down into smaller, easier, more obtainable steps. When you reach one of the smaller goals that you have set for yourself, stop and acknowledge your achievement and growth. Celebrate the accomplishment and progress. Then get back to work, and do it again. Keep repeating this cycle until you reach your ultimate goal. Celebrate your wins along the way! Success and growth are a journey. Learn to appreciate your small successes and achievements along the way!
Breaking down a big goal into smaller ones is a great way to achieve success. When you celebrate the small wins, it helps you to recognize your growth and progress. It keeps your journey fun and exciting. It also helps keep you motivated and inspired. Do not overlook or undermine the significance of small wins. When they are all stacked up, you will be happy to see that you have reached your destination. And you will do so in a way that was fun. Remember the saying, ‘All work and no play, made Jack a dull boy.’ If you set out to achieve a goal, and all you do is work work work, you may find yourself not having a fun time during the process. You may find yourself burned out and quitting, even before you reach your goal.
How to Ignite Growth
Sometimes we go through periods of time in our lives where we can stagnate and plateau. These times can be frustrating. These times can also cause us to ask a variety of questions, such as: why am I here? Am I doing something wrong? What is happening to me? Here are a few suggestions to help ignite growth and help you get back on track.
Seek Council. Talk to someone who has more knowledge and life experience than yourself. If you are the smartest and most experienced individual in your circle, then you are in the wrong circle. You need to be in contact with others who can guide you and help you based on experience that you do not have. Having people who are further ahead in life and in the area that you are heading will be a huge benefit to you.
Change what you are currently doing. If it is not working, change what you are doing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. If you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting what you have always gotten. If what you have been doing and trying is not working, or you are not seeing the progress that you want, then it is probably time to change up what you are doing. Do not change the goal, change your approach.
Analyze and assess, then redirect. Figure out who you are and what you were made to do. Perhaps you are doing something that you do not enjoy. Perhaps you have gotten wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life, and you have simply settled into a routine. Perhaps you need to find a personal assessment and rediscover who you are as a person, and what traits and characteristics you possess. When you find what you were made to do, and it lines up with your personality and individual characteristics, things click. Life, work, and other aspects will be more impactful and meaningful.
Do more. Maybe you simply need to do more. Perhaps you are not being very active or persistent. It is time to get to work. You may need to be more disciplined and more consistent. Laziness and procrastination will stifle and handicap any dream. Taking more intentional action could be the simple remedy.
Igniting growth requires action. Which one of these options makes the most sense for you? Take action as quickly as possible, and see what happens when you do!
What If
Some of the hardest and most powerful words that we ever say, come in small packages. For example; I can’t, I quit, I’m done, it’s too hard, are just a few powerful phrases that are often uttered in hard and difficult seasons of life. What if, we choose to change what we say? What if we choose to change our attitude and perspective? What if that is all it takes to change the outcome of the situation that we are facing?
What if, instead of focusing on the challenges, difficulties, and negative emotions, we shift our focus or perspective?
One of the best questions to ask yourself, when you start to consider giving up is ‘What if?’ This simple, two-word question can shift the entire dynamic of your situation. The question opens the door to many, better opportunities and potential outcomes. ‘What if’, keeps the dream alive.
Perhaps, what is needed in your situation is change. What if we choose to change our: attitude, perspective, or our approach? What if I just need to change and grow in a few areas? What if I just need to work harder, or more consistently? What if I just need to be a little more disciplined? What if I just need to keep going just a little bit longer? What if? You will not know the answer to that question, unless you choose to see it through.
Do you see the difference? Some statements will permanently close doors. While other questions will keep opportunities open.
What if you were to ask yourself, ‘What if,’ right now? How would that shift and shape your outlook on the situation that you are currently facing? What would change in your life if you chose to ask ‘What if,’ rather than choose to say I’m done? One option closes doors and kills the dream, and one will keep the dream alive. As usual, the choice is yours, which one will you pick?
The Blessings of a Good Mom
Happy Mother’s Day! In light of today’s annual celebration of mothers, this blog goes out to all mothers!
Oftentimes, the work of a parent goes unnoticed or it is taken for granted. Moms are a wonderful blessing, plain and simple. An intentional and hardworking mom is something to cherish and appreciate.
A good mom provides invaluable resources for her children: wisdom, love, nurturing, friendship, a sounding board, and so much more! Moms typically have a very unique and special way of connecting and directing their children. There seems to be an extra level of love and gentleness in everything that they do for their children and the ones that they love.
Proverbs 31, in the Bible, provides an awesome example of the character traits of a godly and hard-working mother and wife. Some of these traits include: she is rare and unique, she plans ahead, she is strong, she is not lazy, she is willing to help others, she has good character and integrity. This combination of action and character is powerful and influential. Imagine a child or husband with this kind of mother or wife. What kind of impact and influence they would have, in their house, and on future generations!
A mother’s impact and influence literally shapes and impacts the lives of others. Her children and husband are blessed by her presence and actions. Her impact and influence will shape generations. Moms are an incredible blessing and have an incredible capacity for love, service, and sacrifice.
If you are a mom, keep in mind the incredible impact that you can have in your lifetime. Keep up the good work! If your mom is still alive, make sure you take time to thank her for the incredible job she has done. Happy Mother’s Day!
I Quit
Two words that are destined to end it all, ‘I Quit”. These two words are the end. These two words slam and lock the door on many things in life. Marriages, relationships, dreams, pursuits, and many other things in life end when these two words are used. "I quit’ is the end of the road.
Nobody wants to hear these two words. I don’t think that anyone wants to reach the point where they say these words. But when they are used, they carry a lot of weight. Their use and impact are always profound. If you feel like you are at this point or nearing this point, there are a few things that you may want to try before you really choose to say, ‘I quit.’
First, keep going! Do not give up or surrender. Try again and again. Surrender is giving up on the fight. There is no more will to give more energy, effort, or emotion to the specific area. Once you decide the fight is over, there is no more purpose. Defeat is the only possible outcome. This is the last thing you want to have happen. I would rather struggle and fight than willingly choose to surrender and quit. When you choose not to quit, then there is always a chance to win.
Second, change or redirect your course. If what you are doing and trying right now is not working, then change what you are doing. Try and put a new twist on what you have been doing and trying. Give your old approach a fresh start. Give it some new life. Be more intentional, be more passionate, be more consistent. But, do not quit. There is a saying that: ‘Old keys do not unlock old doors.’ You cannot achieve new accomplishments by doing the same things over and over again. The definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. Things will change when you decide to make changes.
If you feel like you are at the end of your rope, and can’t go on, please do not quit. If you surrender and quit, you will never see how things might turn out. Rest. Reset. Renew. Restart. Do not quit.