Start Living
It is hard to believe that 2023 is winding down quickly. In a few short weeks, a new calendar year will be here. With it will arrive a clean slate, new opportunities, some challenges, and a whole lot of other things.
What will you do with the arrival of a new calendar year? What will you do with the new opportunities that will be made available? What are you going to do with your life in 2024?
If you have not already done so, I hope you really start living! I hope that you really start taking advantage of opportunities that come your way. I hope that you start to challenge your limits. I hope that you make the most out of every single day that you are given.
What is it that has kept you from truly living up to this point? Can I share a few things that I allowed to keep me from growing and living to the fullest, up until a few years ago?
Value. I did not think that I had any real value in this life and world. I did not think I would amount to much, or do anything spectacular in this life of mine. (See the book “You Matter” on the resource page)
Fear. I allowed fear to dictate and control what I did or how much I did. I was afraid to mess up or try new things. I allowed the fear of what others thought or might think to determine what I chose, did, or did not do.
Inexperience. I allowed inexperience and fear to hold me back. Not knowing what to do or what steps I should have taken also kept me from trying new things.
But there came a day when I realized that my perceived value, fear, and inexperience were not valid reasons to remain where I was in life. We are made for so much more. We are meant for so much more. I realized that in order to do more and become more, I would have to decide to really start living. No more excuses. No more procrastinating. No more holding back. And no more wasting my life.
What about you? What are you doing with your life? Would you say that you are living and making the most out of what you have? Are you making the most of the time that you have been given? Are you going through the motions, or are you maximizing every day? Are you chasing dreams and goals? Are you growing every day? Are you taking chances? Are you being intentional with the time you have, or does your time get stolen and wasted on meaningless things?
The choice to start living is one that you have to make. And I hope that you choose to make your life count, one day at a time.
Heart of a Man
For the last several weeks, we have been looking at what makes a person a person of character. We have looked at various characteristics that tend to define someone with a solid and well-rounded character. Some of these key character traits were: a good work ethic, humility, being helpful, being genuine and sincere, being patient and persistent, doing things with excellence, taking action, taking responsibility, being driven and motivated, and being disciplined.
People of character are not super common, especially in today’s world. Having character and being a person with character is not emphasized or prioritized in our modern era.
But what makes a person of character tick? What makes them the way that they are? The simple answer is that it’s their heart. People of character have a heart that drives everything they do, and how they do everything.
What makes a man a real man, is the heart that drives him every day and in every situation. When you encounter a person who has a heart that is genuine and passionate about life, that is a person worth getting to know and spending time with. If you have this kind of person in your life, be thankful. If you have the privilege to know this type of person, learn from them. Watch them closely. Ask them real questions. Appreciate their example and learn to duplicate their example in your life.
One of my favorite quotes of all time, in regards to taking other’s advice, is this: “Never take advice from someone who doesn’t have what you are going after.” If you want to find someone to learn from, learn to watch someone who has the character that you want to copy.
If you want to have a close and happy family, find someone who has a close and happy family. Watch them and ask questions.
If you want to have a life that is impactful and purposeful, then find someone who is living a life of impact and purpose. Learn from them, and then go apply what you have learned into your own life.
Hopefully, you see and realize that the heart of a person is what makes them into a person of character. Being a person of character is something that has a great impact. Character leads to impact. Character leads to change. Character leads to legacy. And the person who lives with character lives with a heart that impacts and drives everything they do.
How about you? Would you say that you are a person of character? What is the evidence? What would others say?
One of the biggest things that someone is remembered for is their heart. Their heart impacted how they lived. How they lived their life affected and influenced others. How will your heart be remembered when you are no longer here?
Work Ethic
Another defining character trait of a quality person is their work ethic. Someone’s work ethic will tell you a lot about their attitude and character.
Question: In school, or at work, would you rather work on a project with someone who is lazy, puts in minimal effort, or assumes that you will do the majority of the work required to accomplish the task? Or would you like to work on a project with someone who is excited, willing to put in work, willing to get their hands dirty, and willing to do what it takes to finish the job with excellence? I think the answer is pretty clear.
When it comes to you, which one do you tend to be?
Someone who has a good work ethic is not lazy, a procrastinator, or someone who sits back and expects someone else to do what needs to be done. Having a good work ethic implies that you have values or principles that influence how you will act, behave, and work. Your work ethic will directly affect productivity, reputation, and the likelihood of others wanting or not wanting to be associated with you.
A work ethic tells others that you care, you are willing to actually put effort in, and are willing to pull your own weight on a project. When others know that you have a good work ethic, they know that they can trust and rely on you to help and not hinder a project.
Having a good work ethic not only helps others but helps you too. If you have a good work ethic, you are more likely to succeed in your various pursuits. Goals, dreams, and aspirations are not the result of wishful thinking. They are the result of focused effort and work. But, if you are not someone with a good work ethic, then you will find yourself being the main issue and hindrance to your own goals and dreams.
Moments turn into Memories
This week I am taking a pause from the series on a person of character. I will return to that series next week.
But this week I have a reminder for you, based on a recent experience that I had.
I recently took my daughter out hunting. I normally do this in the earlier part of the hunting season, while the weather is warmer, and much more tolerable for a child. We arrived at the location where we were hunting. We walked to the location, where we would settle in and wait for deer. As we waited, we watched the birds flying around. We watched the squirrels running through the leaves. We watched geese flying overhead.
While we continued to wait, whispering, I explained different things to her. Things like wind direction, up-wind and down-wind. I explained the reason that hunters wear camo. I explained sunrise and sunset, and the idea of shooting light (hunters will know what I mean by that). We were having a really good time as a dad and daughter, while we continued to wait.
Then I had a thought. Take a picture! These moments need to be captured! The experience that we were having, needed to be remembered! I leaned over and whispered, “Hey, let’s take a picture.’ She smiled and said “yeah.” I pulled out my phone and took our picture. Smile on her face and look in her eyes were genuine happiness!
Finally, our waiting was rewarded. We saw several deer begin to come out of the woods and into the field. We looked through our binoculars with excitement. Though we never got to actually have an opportunity to take a deer that night, our time together was complete. It was a moment of pure relationship. Time to just be together and enjoy the time we had together. No distractions. Just us. I will forever cherish moments like these.
As the holidays arrive shortly, keep this in mind! The moments that you have with others will quickly turn into memories. The business and chaos will certainly be distracting. But, even in the moments of business and chaos, remember the importance of interacting and being in the moment with those that you love.
Learn to recognize when special moments are happening. Learn to remove or minimize things that can steal special moments, like your phone, social media, other things that are meaningless, that steal precious time and experiences.
Moments turn to memories, and memories are gifts that you leave others, when you are no longer around.
Humble and Helpful
As we continue to look at a person of character, this week, the focus will be on humility and helpfulness. Humility is having a modest view of one’s own value and perspective. Believing and acting as if you are not better or superior to another person. Helpful is having an attitude of being willing to help or give assistance to another. A person of character is rarely (probably never) known for being a person who is selfish, arrogant, or disregards others.
The character traits of being humble and helpful, go a long way, especially for those who they work with and interact with. Would you rather work with someone who is always all about themselves? Would you like to be associated with someone who is only focused on themselves, and only on their success? Or would you rather work with and be associated with someone who is willing to help others out humbly and selflessly?
Being humble and helpful does not sound like character traits that would be highly regarded. However, these are traits that are irreplaceable and focused on others. If you work with someone who is genuine and helpful, it promotes unity and connection. There is a real willingness to be successful together. There is no price that can be put on a relationship with someone who is a real team player and is willing to help out others, without being selfish or having alternative reasons.
Some real-life relationships that thrive on humility and helpfulness are marriage, jobs, and sports teams. The opposite is also true. Marriages, jobs, and sports teams all suffer when one or more parties are selfish and arrogant, along with an unwillingness to help others.
Individuals who are arrogant, selfish, and self-centered naturally cause division or disunity. It is hard for others to interact and work with these types of individuals. Their attitude and behaviors tend to push others away, minimize others, and discourage others. It is impossible for a relationship, friendship, and a team to thrive when there are individuals who are consumed with themselves and are unwilling to make genuine, selfless changes.
How do you stack up (honestly) in these two areas? Are you a genuine humble and helpful person? Or would you have to admit that you are more arrogant, selfish, self-centered, and tend to disregard others? How do humility and helpfulness benefit others, especially in the relationships that you have?
Genuine and Sincere
As we continue looking at a person of character, we will be looking at the traits of being genuine and sincere.
Being genuine and sincere conveys the idea of being real, authentic, not fake. Being genuine and sincere indicates not being hypocritical or having a pretensive reason or purpose.
The opposite of being genuine and sincere is being non-authentic, counterfeit, deceitful, tricky or untrustworthy. None of these traits or personality choices are things that others want to be around or have associated with them. No one wants to be tricked, deceived, or have someone take advantage of them. Being used, mislead, and lied to will always lead to distrust and doubt. Nobody wants to have friends, family, or coworkers who lie, mislead, and take advantage of others around. Lies and deceit cause distrust and hurt. Once your trust is broken or damaged, it is hard to recover and rebuild the relationship again.
There is a saying that goes something like this; ‘Trust is something that takes a lifetime to build, and takes only seconds to break.’ Trust is a delicate, two-way relationship. If a trust is broken, then it is almost impossible to rebuild or re-establish the relationship to the status that it once was. Trust is a strong, yet fragile component of a relationship. It can hold people, families, and businesses together. And once trust is broken, it can crumble and collapse the relationships that once were strong and resilient.
That is why a person of character should be genuine and sincere. They typically know and understand that they need to value and appreciate others and their friendship or relationship. Being genuine and sincere allows them to have a real and honest relationship with others. Being genuine and sincere builds and strengthens trust, confidence, and closeness. Trust is like a glue that holds people and relationships together.
Being genuine and sincere also shows that an individual is not selfish or trying to manipulate a relationship. Someone who is genuine and sincere will not be looking for ways to take advantage of someone else. They will not be trying to manipulate, play, or use someone else to get ahead or make selfish gains.
A pure, real, authentic individual is a rare find. A pure, real, authentic relationship is also a rare find. These types of people and relationships are precious and invaluable. There is no price that can be put on these kinds of relationships and individuals. If you are being honest with yourself, are you someone who models these traits? Or are you realizing that you have some personal work to do in these areas?
Patient and Persistent
This week we will continue looking at the person of character. Focusing on the qualities of being patient and persistent.
Patience is the ability to wait, continuing to do something despite difficulties, or enduring something without complaining. Persistence is the unique quality that allows someone to continue doing something, even though it may be very difficult or it may be opposed by others. Both of these are unique character qualities and both of them are greatly beneficial! Both of these characteristics allow individuals to continue moving forward and growing over a long period of time. The people who possess these traits tend to have the ability to see the big picture and plan ahead with a long-term focus, rather than a short-term focus.
The opposite of these types of individuals are typically impatient, short-term focused, and easily derailed by challenges. they lack the characteristics of patience and persistence.
Patience is a character trait that is highly desirable and greatly beneficial. The ability to be patient is critical, especially when pursuing long-term goals or making significant changes. People who are patient understand the process of making a long-term goal something that can be achieved by making small daily stides over the course of time. They know that there are no shortcuts, and taking consistent action will eventually get them to where they want to be.
Persistence is a trait that goes hand in hand with patience. Being persistent helps individuals to overcome and work through the challenges that arise along the journey toward a long-term goal or destination. People who are persistent realize that there will be obstacles and challenges, along the way that will test themselves and their desire to reach their goals. They are willing to grow, mature, change, and learn through their journey. They also typically are willing to sacrifice and fight for what they are pursuing. They are not easily detoured by things that try to distract or derail their focus or goals.
Two categories of people who epitomize these traits are farmers and athletes. Farmers are people who plan ahead for the year. They decide what crops they want to harvest, that is their goal. Once they decide what harvest they want, they work backward to where they are currently. They determine what fields will get planted with what specific type of seeds. They determine when they need to plant the fields. They determine what types of soil and nutrients will be of best benefit to get the harvest that they desire. There is a lot of planning and action that takes place in order for the farmer to have a good and successful harvest.
Similarly, athletes display the benefits of being both patient and persistent. An athlete also displays long-term vision and action. An athlete trains with their goals in mind. They stick to a training schedule and usually have a nutritional plan in place as well. They are disciplined individuals, who live intentionally, in order to achieve their goals. They will also intentionally strain and challenge themselves often, in order to grow and avoid becoming complacent. They work through difficulties and trying situations.
Patience and persistence are two qualities that will help anyone to grow and work through challenges, in order to rise and reach goals.
This week, as we continue to look at the person of character, we will be discussing the character of excellence.
Excellence can be defined as: being of high value, superiority, or premiere quality. It is a level of quality and a standard by which something is carried out or handled.
A couple of years ago, I watched a friend of mine be celebrated, as he moved on from a position he had and was going to be moving on to another position and role, elsewhere. After several people had spoken and talked about this individual, I began to notice a common theme. Everyone mentioned how this person did everything with excellence. The manner in which he handled things and addressed things, he did it in a way that made it better. He was not satisfied with just getting things done, but he wanted them done right and he wanted them done with excellence. Person after person reemphasized this character trait and noted how they appreciated it and how it benefitted themselves and others.
How we handle life and various aspects of life speak of our character. How do we handle change? How do we handle adversity? How do we handle our day-to-day responsibilities? How do we handle the small tasks? How do we handle the large tasks and responsibilities?
What would happen in your life, if you decided to elevate your effort and do everything with excellence? Who would be affected and who would benefit? What would change? How would life change? How would your job be affected?
Think with me about the opposite for a minute. What happens if you choose to approach life with a mediocre, average, or passive attitude? When you have this type of attitude and approach, nothing changes and how you do things is not a priority or concern. When you do things with a passive attitude, you do not really care about the outcome or impact. You will also receive average results or poor results.
Choosing to live in a state of excellence and doing things with excellence is a life-changing choice. Everything will change. How you live will change. How you approach normal routine tasks will change. Your decision-making will change. How you do things at work will change. Your life will change! Your entire life would change if you chose to live in a state of excellence. You would see and experience incredible personal growth. Others would see and benefit from every aspect of change that you make.
Imagine how different and awesome your life could be, if you decided to make the choice to live your life in excellence! Start living your life with a standard of excellence! Raise the bar, and see what happens when you do!
As we continue to analyze the person of character, this week’s blog is about action. The person of character is a person of action. They are not the type of person who sits back or is passive.
The person of character is a person who is someone who knows that talk is cheap. They know that one’s words need to be matched or exceeded by their actions. They know that in order to achieve goals and dreams, they must take action. They cannot sit back and expect to see things change or happen. They must put in intentional effort in order to make intentional progress.
The person of character and action is someone who plans ahead, looks ahead, and prepares. The person of character is proactive and not reactive. They prepare and plan ahead so that they can take effective action. They know that if they fail to plan, then they are planning to fail. They plan ahead and then execute their plan as best as possible.
This person also leads by example. they are not one to sit back and wait for someone else to come and put in the hard work. They do it, themselves. They take the initiative. They take the leap. They blaze the trail. They are willing to go ahead so that others may follow their example.
There are pretty much three types of persons that are the opposite of the person of action. They are either: lazy, procrastinators, or followers. Lazy individuals are typically unmotivated and uninspired individuals. Procrastinators typically wait and wait and put things off until it is either too late or someone else takes the initiative. Followers are typically people who are not willing to take a chance, blaze a trail, or try something new. These three types of people often let fear or lack of drive to hold them back.
The person of action is the opposite of these kinds of people. And the results are also similarly opposite. People who are driven and take action, usually get things done and find ways to succeed. People who are lazy, procrastinate, and are followers will experience far different results. They will rarely ever experience success or see personal growth.
So what about you? Are you a person of action? Are you actively and passionately pursuing your goals, dreams and life purpose? Or are you being lazy and procrastinating, never growing, never moving forward in your pursuits? The choice is yours, and the clock is always running.
Responsibility is the act or state of being responsible, accountable, and answerable.
So why is being a person of character related to being a person who is responsible? Well, to be honest, it is one of the main defining characteristics of a person of great character. A person who accepts responsibility for themselves is someone to respect and imitate. A person who accepts personal responsibility knows that they are the reason for where they are in life, and the various areas within their life.
Someone who takes responsibility is keenly aware that the choices they make will directly affect and impact them and their life, and even others beyond themself. They tend to weigh their choices by what is best in the long run, rather than what is more appealing in the short term. Responsible individuals are typically more intentional in what they choose to do, as well as how they choose to do things. They know that what they do, and how they decide to do it, will have a consequence, good or bad.
On the other hand, someone who is not very responsible typically lives in a way that is more carefree, reckless, and less intentional. Sometimes these individuals will have a victim mentality towards life. They think that life is unfair, things just do not ever go their way. However, they fail to realize that in reality, many of their issues and struggles are self-inflicted.
Choosing to be more responsible has several impactful benefits. First, you notice that in life, you are the main source of growth, impact, and results. Second, you realize that your level of intentionality will produce a specific level and kind of results. Third, you cannot control every aspect of life or every circumstance, but how you approach and handle what comes your way, will directly affect you in some way. Your choices and personal effort are your responsibility.
Lack of responsibility will also have results. First, you will feel like a victim. Second, you will feel like life never seems to go your way. Third, you will fail to realize the significance of your choices, attitude, effort, and so much more.
Choosing responsibility or choosing not to be responsible will have huge ramifications for your life. The choice is yours, it always is. Choose wisely. Choose what is best, not what is convenient.
Driven and Motivated
Someone who is a person of character is usually highly driven and motivated. A person of character realizes and knows that excelling in all areas of life takes high standards. In order to obtain and maintain a high level of character, a natural drive and genuine motivation will greatly benefit their life and impact.
Drive is the desire and urge to press forward with passion in order to grow or reach goals.
Motivated is the sense of urgency needed in order to achieve desired goals or achieve desired pursuits.
Individuals who are driven and motivated are not complacent or stagnant. They know that they must have a greater desire to grow and move forward in order to reach their goals. Becoming complacent will totally derail their hopes of achieving their goals. Complacency is the choice to live in a non-driven and unmotivated manner. Complacency is choosing to relax and live passively, rather than accept challenges, try again, try harder, or keep going. Complacency is the result of choosing to remain average and settle.
Being driven and motivated is quite the opposite of complacency. People who are driven and motivated know that if you want something or want to achieve something, it is up to them. They are the ones who will have to put in the work. They are the ones who will have to sacrifice for their goals. Otherwise, their goals will be sacrificed if they choose not to sacrifice for their goals. People who are motivated and driven are people of action. They know that action leads to results and that no action leads to no results. These people know that they need to be disciplined and passionate in their actions, choices, and pursuits. (see blog titles ‘Discipline’) They know that it is far better to be proactive than it is to be passive.
Think about an Olympic athlete. What are the qualities and characteristics of these individuals? Two of the top qualities that would be at the top of the list would be their drive and motivation. They know that in order to place high enough in their event in order to medal, they will have to outwork their competition every day. They will have to give their best effort every day. They will have to give their best effort every single practice and every single workout. They will have to find new ways to improve, develop, and refine their skills regularly. Why do they do all of this? They are driven and motivated by the hopes of winning an Olympic medal, the gold one.
So what about you? Do you know what you are pursuing? Do you know why you are pursuing it? What are you doing about it? Are you passive or proactive? You are the one that will either make it happen, or make excuses for why it did not happen. What needs to change? If you choose not to make the change, then you cannot expect to see a change. Make sure that your goals and dreams are big enough to drive and motivate you to put in the work to reach them!
Last week I started a mini-series on character, and the impact that has on a person, their life, their lifestyle, and how they live. For the foreseeable future, I want to focus each week on a different aspect of character and its impact on living with purpose and character.
Discipline is defined as; Controlled behavior resulting from training and self-control. Discipline is the ability to have self-control and function in a predictable manner, in a given situation.
Discipline is often thought of as a negative thing. Usually, it is thought of as an unpleasant experience or something that is done in a manner that is unenjoyable and boring. Or it is thought of as a consequence for failing to do something or meet a particular standard.
That is one way to look at it. But, I think it is the wrong way to look at it. Discipline is something that has a huge upside. You have to choose to look at it from that perspective though. Discipline is a personal characteristic that is developed over time. The more disciplined you become, the more potential you have. The sooner you become disciplined and develop disciplined behaviors, the sooner you will see progress and growth.
There is a price paid for becoming a person who is disciplined. There is also a price paid for deciding to not develop disciplines. You will have to choose which price you will pay. Becoming disciplined usually means that you are willing to give up certain things, in order to grow and make progress. Choosing to not become disciplined can lead to major regrets down the line.
How do you become a disciplined person? Great question. Developing discipline is a process, it takes time, effort, and intentionality. First, you need to realize the benefits of discipline. How they will impact and affect you for the better. Secondly, you will need to develop a plan to help you become more disciplined. What habits, choices, distractions, and routines need to be changed or eliminated? Third, set yourself up for the long haul. Developing discipline will take some time, so plan to take consistent action that will become good habits and move you forward.
Character can be summarized as basically the attributes, personality, and behaviors that make up a person’s persona or who they are. We all know and are aware of others and their character. How often do we think about our own character? How would others view and evaluate your character?
Your character and demeanor will have a massive impact on your life. How many friends you have. Where you focus your time and energy. How you handle adversity. How high your standards are. What you choose to do, and how you choose to do it.
Your character is who you are. Your reputation is who others perceive that you are.
One of the greatest things about your character is that it can be developed and adjusted over time. Through intentionality and work, you can literally build, adjust, and change your character.
For example, my son does jujitsu twice a week. Usually twice before his class, one on the way to the gym, and once right before the class, I go through a routine with him. I say ‘elbows in,’ and he says ‘always win.’ I say ‘elbows out’, he says ‘watch out.’ I say ‘heavy hands,’ he says ‘light feet.’ I say ‘first one up or last one up?’ He says ‘first one up.’ I say ‘good effort, or best effort.’ He says best effort. What I am doing with him, is reminding him, without telling him, that he is working on his character. Every choice and action is literally building your character. What kind of effort are you going to give? Are you trying to improve or just maintain? Are you going in with an attitude to just go through the motions, or will you give the effort that will allow you to push yourself and grow?
In a similar way, every day we get to build and shape our character. We can choose to keep doing the same things with the same effort and mentality. Or we can approach things with a desire and intentionality to grow and improve. The choice is yours. Your perspective and attitude will greatly impact what you do, and how you choose to do it.
The types of things that shape and mold your character are your attitude, your perspective, your level of discipline, your desire to improve, and your impact and influence on others. Is your typical attitude positive or negative? Is your typical outlook and perspective positive or negative? Are you a disciplined individual? Are you driven to improve and grow? Are you the type of person who likes to help others, and see others succeed? These are all things that influence and affect you and your character.
If you are willing to take the time and think about your character, and honestly evaluate yourself, you may find a few things that need to be adjusted. That is not a bad thing. Making adjustments is always encouraged. Striving to grow and improve one’s own character is very admirable! Being a person of good character means that you are in a great position to succeed in your life, but you are in a position to have a great impact on others as well.
Comfort Zone
I am sure that you are at least familiar with the term ‘comfort zone’. It is defined as being ‘in a situation in which you feel comfortable and you do not have to do anything new or difficult.’ (Cambridge Dictionary) Personally, I believe it is one of the most dangerous and detrimental places that you can find yourself in and stay in.
You arrive in your comfort zone when you no longer are trying to make progress in particular areas of your life. You settle into routines and patterns, no longer striving to seek growth or achieve goals. There are no intentional changes being made. There are no goals being pursued. Ultimately, you become stagnant and routine in every aspect of life. You become comfortable in all areas and aspects of life.
Routines and patterns are not bad things, in and of themselves. But, having and maintaining patterns and routines for the sake of easiness and comfortability, can be something that limits and hinders your growth and progress.
Establishing patterns and routines for the purpose of growing and making progress is an awesome accomplishment. Developing a structure and schedule that allows you to make time for achieving growth and goals is a great way to become efficient and intentional. The reason for this is because you are being intentional about your habits, time management, and your desire to mature and master a particular goal.
If you have a schedule that allows you time to intentionally grow and work on yourself, that is great. But if you have a schedule and routine that is congested, chaotic, or unstructured you will struggle to find the time to work on yourself or your goals. Growth is a part of life, that should be intentional. Growth and progress require time and effort, and if you struggle to make the time and put in the effort, there will be little growth or progress made.
Your comfort zone may feel very comfortable, cozy and relaxed. But your comfort zone may be the thing holding you back from growing into the person you could be. Your comfort zone may be the thing that hinders your development. Comfort zones are comfortable, because they are stagnant and routine environments. They do not foster the type of environment needed to produce growth. The environment needed for growth is outside of your comfort zone.
Your comfort zone may be the biggest thing that keeps you form growing into the person that you could be. Your comfort zone could be the thing that you look back on one day, and wish that you had managed differently, or even challenged it’s limits.
If I were you, I would challenge myself to become comfortable being uncomfortable. Do not let fear of the unknown, or lack of experience to hold you back. Get out of your own way and begin to grow and mature in ways you could only imagine up until now. Get out of your comfort zone, and start making progress toward your goals and dreams. Stop allowing fear to keep you down and stuck where you are now. Make the decision to get out of your comfort zone a little more every day. Take action every day to grow and to make progress toward your goals. Learn to have a reason and a purpose for everything you do. When you choose to grow, and you choose to take action, then you will realize how limited you have been in your comfort zone.
Look in the Mirror
I am sure that you have heard the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. And I would have to agree. Pictures can be very powerful. They can evoke emotion, thoughts, cause a physical or emotional response, become a powerful inspiration, and much more. I recently saw a picture that caused me to pause and literally shake my head in agreement.
A teacher had taken several inexpensive, hand-held mirrors and placed them on a bulletin board in the classroom. Above each one, she had a small caption that read, “Meet the person responsible for your, choices, grades, words, success, actions, and effort.” What an awesome and powerful way to instill a powerful statement for the next generation. What a powerful concept, for you and I as we continue through life’s journey.
You and I have got to get ahold of this concept. The realization that we are the ones responsible for our choices, actions, effort, and ultimately the successes that we have throughout this life. You cannot have a victim or passive mindset and attitude, and expect to reach your hopes, goals, dreams, or your full potential.
Responsibility. One of the biggest, if not most important things in life is to take real and personal responsibility for where you are in life. You have to take responsibility in order to grow and reach your full potential. If you are not willing to be honest with yourself and accept responsibility for yourself or your actions, then you cannot expect to grow, mature, and reach your full potential. Being able to accept and realize that you are responsible is a sign of maturity, and helps lay a foundation that is able to be built upon.
Attitude and outlook. These two things will play a huge factor in the type of life that you live. Don’t believe me? Think about an employee. If you were a business owner, what type of employee would you prefer? One that shows up to work and only does the minimum amount of work expected? Or one that shows up and excels and leaves the job better than when they arrived? Would you prefer someone who needs to be told exactly what has to be done and how it needs to be done, all the time? Or one that shows up and takes the initiative and takes care of things without being told? Would you prefer someone who shows up and complains about everything? Or would you like someone who is excited and energetic and does not complain? I think you get the point, the attitude and outlook that you bring to your life, will absolutely determine how much of your life will go and turn out. The way that you see things, perceive things, and approach things in life will have a direct effect on how they turn out.
Choices. Simply put, the choices that you have made, have gotten you to where you are. The choices that you make from here on out will take you where you want to go. You have to start making the right choices. You must make the tough choices. You have to make choices and decisions based on where you are heading and where you want to get to. Poor choices will lead to poor results and poor destinations. Great choices will lead to great results and great destinations. You choose!
In life, responsibility, attitude, outlook, and choices will either make or break you. Maybe it is time to look in the mirror and have a little chit-chat with the person who is responsible for your attitude, outlook, and choices. Perhaps it is time to step up and own up to where you are in life, and where you are headed. The good news is that you can make adjustments along the way and you can choose when to make those adjustments. Just remember it is up to you.
Anchors Away
Part of growing as a person, mentally, spiritually, in relationships, and in perspective, is finding and listening to people who will tell you the truth and who will say things that need to be said in order to make you better.
Recently, I was listening to an individual, and they said something that was pretty profound. It gave me another perspective and view on life, moving forward. Naturally, as I thought about what this person had said, I realized that if I benefitted from what he had shared, others could also.
He gave an illustration of life being like a boat. You, as the captain, have a direct influence on where your boat goes and ultimately ends up. You can let your boat drift aimlessly along, just letting the boat float along. You can allow a variety of anchors and other things to hold you in place, or hold you back. Or you can choose to cut the anchors off and choose to propel the boat forward, toward a specific destination or goal.
Let’s take a look at the three options that were presented, and how they can play out and affect you and your life.
First, the choice to just float along through life, aimlessly. If you do not have a destination in mind, how will you know when you have arrived? Unfortunately, I believe, far too many people live life passively without giving much thought to how quickly life passes, or how much of an impact that they could have. Most people tend to go with the flow, going along with what most people do, because it seems like most people are doing it. Floating along, mindlessly going through life, could be the biggest waste of time of all. No vision, no goals, no dreams, no purpose, no impact, and lots of regrets at the end.
Second, the choice, to allow a variety of ‘anchors’ to hold you back. An anchor is something that is weighing you down and holding you in place. It is something that handicaps you and prevents you from making progress toward your goals or destination. So what are some things that are anchors? This could be a lengthy list. Self-esteem, doubts, fears, past failures, others’ opinions, uncertainty, choices, habits, addictions, relationships, friendships, and many other things, can keep you from moving forward toward your goals, dreams, and purpose in life.
Third, the choice, to cut off the anchors and things that are holding you back. This is a choice. It has to be made. It is not an easy one. But, the rewards are numerous and amazing. When you finally decide to set yourself free and move forward, it may be unsettling at first, but the journey has only just begun. You are now free to pursue life in another, more satisfying, and impactful way! I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by how much you can accomplish when you are no longer held in place by the anchors that once held you back.
From personal experience, choosing the third option, life is way more enjoyable than I ever thought possible. Life is much more exciting. I have done things that I never thought or imagined possible, like writing five books. I also never thought that I would have a website focused on encouraging others to do more with their life, helping others to realize that they are here for greater purposes, or helping others realize that they have great individual value! Choosing the third option provides you with a life full of opportunities!
Key Ingredients for Success
When it comes to baking, the ingredients matter. The amount of each ingredient matters. Even the process of mixing and baking matters. Everything that is baked has a process and the process usually begins with the ingredients.
In regard to chasing life, goals, dreams, your purpose, and making changes, the main thing is the ingredients. The ingredients for these things are the actions that you take on a daily basis. Every day that you get up, you either get closer or further from achieving your goals and dreams. Your daily choices and actions will literally move you toward or away from your purpose and aspirations.
If your goals, dreams, calling and purpose are what you are ‘baking’ with your life, what are the ingredients that you are using? Some of the main ingredients should be: focus, effort, discipline, and intentionality. These things are foundational in pursuing greater things.
What if things are not going as planned, or you are not getting the results that you want? Try adding change and consistency to the mix. These two things will definitely help move you toward your goals and dreams.
Choosing to make a few changes can have some pretty big impacts on your life and journey. Someone once said that ‘if you change nothing, then nothing changes.’ It is simple and profound. If you do not make any changes, then nothing will change. In order for things to be different, you will have to do things differently. Another way of saying this is another of my favorite quotes; ‘If you keep doing what you have always done, then you will keep getting what you have always gotten.’
Perhaps it is time to make some changes. Changes could include: changing your daily schedule, changing habits, cutting out distractions, stop wasting time, and spending more time with others who are growing.
Consistency is another big part of the mix. Being consistent is a critical aspect of achieving those things that you are hoping to reach. Without consistent, intentional, focused action you will have a difficult time trying to achieve your goals or having your maximum impact.
Usain Bolt has an amazing quote that I think makes an incredible point. He said; ‘I trained four years to run nine seconds. And people give up when they do not see results in two months. His point is this, he trained every day, giving his best effort, so that he could win a gold medal in a race that would only take nine seconds to finish. He consistently worked and trained, so that he could accomplish his goal of winning a gold medal in the Olympics. The second part of his quote points out the fact that people will give up on their goals and dreams when they feel like they are not seeing any results quickly. Champions and goal-achievers are individuals who have a long-term perspective, and are willing to put in consistent work to get what they desire and are passionate about.
Add these two ingredients, change and consistency, to your recipe for success and growth and see what happens! I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Gotta Have a Reason
In any area of life, if you do not have a reason for doing something, you are almost destined to fail. Most New Year’s resolutions fail for a few reasons. First, the individual becomes discouraged when there are no immediate or short-term results. Second, they have a goal in mind, but no real plan of execution. And third, their reasons for going after the goal are not compelling.
In every area of life, you need a goal, a plan, and a powerful reason for going after the goal. The goal gives you a direction to move in. The plan establishes the action and steps that you will need to take in order to obtain the goal. The reason provides compelling emotional desire and motivation to go after the goal.
Did you know that if you write down your goals, plan, and reasons, you are far more likely to actually achieve those things that you have written down?
Did you know that if your reason for doing something causes you to become emotional, then you will more likely succeed in your pursuits?
What are your goals? Have you written them down? What is your plan for going after those goals? Have you written them down? Why are you going after these goals? Do your reasons emotionally compel you to take action? Have you taken the time to write down your reasons?
Your reasons for chasing your goals, dreams, and passions should move you and drive you every single day. Without a vision or goal, there is no need for any action. Without a reason, there is no meaning in having a goal, because without a reason, the action taken is empty and shallow.
Parents, what are your goals for raising your children? What are your reasons for intentionally raising your children? Teachers, what are your goals for teaching the children in your class? What are the reasons that are going to drive you in achieving these goals? Business owners, what are your goals for your company and employees? What are the reasons that are going to inspire you, your company, and your employees? Athletes, what are your goals for the season and off-season? What are the reasons that are going to drive you every day?
Whoever you are, and whatever your goals and dreams, make sure that your reasons will inspire and motivate you to get you to where you want to go!
Opinions and Purpose
Have you ever read or heard something that made you literally stop what you were doing right then and there and really think about what you just read or heard? This happened to me early on, this past week. I read this quote that went like this: ‘You had a purpose before anyone else had an opinion.’ Dude, when I say that I felt that, that quote hit me hard.
I lived most of my life under the heavy weight of others’ opinions. I believed what others said, way more than I believed in the purpose that had been given. I believed that I was worthless, insignificant, dumb, and would never amount to much. It was not until recently that I decided to flip the script.
I knew for decades that I was here for far more than what I was being told. I just did not believe it. I knew it in my head, but I did not believe it in my heart. If you asked me if I ever would have thought that I would have written and published five books, nope, not a chance. If you would have asked me if I would have a website dedicated to helping others and encouraging others to chase their dreams, calling, and purpose, I would have told you that you were crazy! But, I decided to step into the role and purpose that I have been designed for. And I am just getting started!
The bible says, in Psalm 139:14, that ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well.’ If God has made us and designed us, with great purpose and intentionality, then each one of us is here for a greater purpose and a higher calling. He has intentionally made you and me. He has put us here to fill a unique role that He has created. And if He took the time to make you on purpose, and to make you one of a kind, perhaps, it is time to start living out the greater purpose that He has for you.
Remember that people are just people, and they have opinions. Who cares. This is one of the greatest and yet hardest lessons that I have had to learn in life. Everyone has their own opinions, and everyone has their own view on things. But that does not mean that they are right. And it does not mean that you should take it to heart and let it change your calling. Someone’s opinion about you should never keep you from the calling or purpose that God has given to you.
I challenge you to step up and step into the purpose that God has given to you, for this life. It is time to stop letting the tiny opinion of others hold you back from the incredible purpose that God has made you for! I know that you will be amazed when you lay the opinions of others aside and step into your higher calling!
Keep Fighting
One of my favorite songs right now is the song by Cody Johnson, called ‘Til You Can’t.’ There is a line in the song that goes, ‘If you’ve got a dream, chase it because a dream won’t chase you back.’ It is a pretty profound line, in a great song, with a good message.
If you are already on a mission, pursuing your dream or passion, that is awesome! I am so happy and proud of you, for already doing everything that you have done and overcome so far. Keep going and do not quit!
If you have not decided to go after those things that you want, stop waiting. Stop dragging your feet. Stop procrastinating and making excuses! Start living, excuse-free, today.
Perhaps you are in a season where you keep feeling opposition and challenges. Or you feel like every time you start making progress, you are destined to face a new obstacle. Keep going. Your journey is one that continues day after day. The opposition that you face today, is building strength for tomorrow. The challenges and opposition that you face will equip you with knowledge.
The more that your dream and passion mean to you, the harder you will have to fight to see it through. Nothing worthwhile, comes easy. As they say, no pain no gain. If your dreams and passions really mean a lot to you, then be prepared to face resistance. Do not fear the resistance or challenges. Just know that you will meet it along your journey.
If you are in one of those challenging seasons, hang in there. Do not quit or give up. Surrendering to the hard things means that your dream is sacrificed. When you throw in the towel and quit, you are saying that your dreams and passions are not worth the struggles. I want you to know that the passion and dreams that have been given to you (by God) are absolutely going to be worth the struggles that you face.
Keep fighting! Fight hard! You may grow weary. You may stare down fear. You may encounter uncharted territory. But do not quit. It will all be worth it! The journey may be hard and long. But along the way you will develop strength, courage, and character. Your dream-chasing journey will be worth everything that you encounter and face. Keep your head up. Keep moving forward. Keep fighting!