There Will Be an End
It has been said that, ‘all good things come to an end.’ And whoever said that was right. I wish it was not the case, but it is.
Going back to my high school days, I played football and also wrestled. I loved these sports! I loved the teams that I was on. I loved the comradery. I enjoyed the practices and training. The smell of a locker room will still bring back memories of the good ole days for me.
When I think about those days, it brings back fond memories. As I thought about that, in relation to this blog, I also can distinctly recall how my high school athletic days concluded. I can recall that we lost a rainy, cold, muddy football game to our arch-rival. Walking to the locker room with the feeling of losing, and also the heavy reality of knowing that the game we just played was the end of my football-playing days. I can also recall the feelings that I had when I lost a close wrestling match in the sectional tournament, knowing that I would not make it to the district round or state round of wrestling. I can recall going to the hall and slumping against the wall as that reality set in. That was it. That was the end of my wrestling career and my athletic high school career.
The fact is, that one day, eventually, everything will come to an end. Your days of parenting at home will end. Your children are going to grow up. Probably faster than you are going to like. So leave an impact worth remembering. Be a parent who is connected, intentional, and passionate.
One day, your work career will come to an end. Probably not as quickly as you would like. But when you are done, how do you want others to remember you? What will others remember you for?
One day, your window of opportunity will close on chasing your dreams and passions. What will you say, when that day comes? Will you say, man, I am so glad that I overcame my fears? I am so glad that I did not let the unknowns hold me back. Or will you say, I wish I would have chased my dream? I wish I would have tried harder.
Lastly, the day will come when the final chapter of our lives will arrive. Sometimes it arrives at the end of a long and full life. Other times, it arrives abruptly, unexpectedly, and early. Regardless of when or how it arrives, the end will always come. How do you want to be remembered? How will others have been impacted by you? And what will become of your dreams? Will they have become a reality? Or will they have remained what they always were? Just dreams.
Live today, this week, this month, this year, and this life that you have been given with purpose! Live in a way, that you remember there will be an end that arrives one day. Keep in mind at that time, others will only have your memories to hold on to. Make sure that the memories they have of you are good, pure, and inspiring!
All things come to an end. Make sure what remains is enough to leave others better!
In this life, there are few chances to give things a second chance. There is usually one chance to take a chance. I say take the shot! Give this life, every day, your very best effort! Leave no regrets. And in the end, you will be glad that you did.
The Power of Words
One of the biggest ways to impact and empower others in this life, is through the use of our words. Our words have incredible power and impact. Our words have the ability to destroy, cripple, damage, and cut. Our words also have the ability to encourage, build up, strengthen, and heal.
The choice is yours. How will you decide to use your words? Your words could literally shape and affect the future of others that you interact with and talk with. Have you ever thought about the words you use? Have you ever thought about the way you use words? Have you ever thought about the impact that you could have on others, just through your words alone?
Proverbs 18:21 says that: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Our words can literally cause destruction, or they can encourage. They can heal or hurt. They can help or harm. They can carefully encourage, or they can carelessly destroy. Our words can literally give life or steal it away. Much like watering a plant, kind and timely words will allow the recipient to grow. And on the other hand, harsh and careless words can destroy and kill.
Helping and encouraging others is one of the greatest blessings of this life. Being able to assist and build someone else up is a feeling like no other. It is an awesome experience to step into someone else’s life and pour into them, and watch them grow and blossom.
Who are you interacting with on a regular basis? Are you building them up or tearing them down? Are you an encouragement to them or a discouragement?
Are you a parent? How are your words impacting your children? How are they helping your children to grow and develop? Are the words you are using empowering and strengthening them? Or do your words leave your children wounded and feeling worthless?
Are you a boss or person in a position over-seeing others? How are your words affecting those that you are in charge of? Are you an encouraging and inspiring leader? Or do your words and interactions leave others feeling wounded and unappreciated?
Are you a spouse? How are your words affecting your other half? Do your words encourage and motivate? Do they help or harm? Do they show your spouse love, appreciation, and affirmation? Or do they leave them empty and undervalued?
Are you a teacher? Do your words inspire and empower? Or do they tend to be critical and harsh?
You see, your words, have incredible impact and power! The interactions that we have will either give others more life, or they will take it away. Our words will either add value or they will devalue. Our words will help others to grow or they will hinder them.
If your words can impact and affect others, then you should also consider the things that you tell yourself. What kind of things do you tell yourself? When you mess up, do you put yourself down? When you have success or make progress in an area, do you congratulate yourself? The things that you tell yourself are just as important as the things that you say to others!
As you go through this life, choose to use your words to encourage, empower, and bless others. Leave a legacy of impact, through interactions that leave others better and not bitter.
A Simple Reminder
Recently, a friend of mine from the gym that I go to, took a vacation. Tragically, on that trip, her husband of several decades passed. This couple was always together, side by side. When I heard the news that the husband had passed, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Sad to lose a friend, but also for his wife who lost her best friend and lifelong partner. Nobody expected this to happen, and certainly not on their vacation.
You never know when your time on this earth will be done. You have no idea what day will be your last. You will not get a text, email, or phone call letting you know that your time on Earth is about to expire.
Live each day like it matters, because it does. Live your life with purpose. Live your life on purpose. Do not pass up opportunities. Do not back down when you face challenges and opposition. Be bold enough to live every day with passion. Be brave enough to challenge the status quo and norms of everyone else.
Time flies! Life flashes and fades. Babies are born. They grow up and move away. And maybe one day return with grandkids.
Sometimes days feel like they drag on and on. Sometimes it feels like years fly right by.
The Bible puts it this way in James 4:14: ‘You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.’ Our lifetime here on Earth will one day come to an end. And all that will be left will be the impact and memories that we leave behind. So, how will you be remembered and what impact will you leave behind?
What needs to change in your life? For real. What do you need to change, and how will you make the necessary changes? Who are you intentionally impacting and influencing? How will those that you spend the most time with remember you? How will your family remember you? How will your close friends remember you? How will your acquaintances and people you meet in passing remember you?
I always remind myself to live on purpose and with purpose. Truly living life requires intentionality. It also requires living with purpose. You have to decide and choose to live each day as best as you can. You have to decide and choose to make the most of the opportunities that you are given. If you think that you can live this life passively, and still somehow arrive at your dreams, you are sadly mistaken.
If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Planning ahead is a key factor in choosing your attitude and actions, so that you can make the most out of life. Everything you do is affected by your attitude and your actions. Too many people sadly arrive at the end of their life with major regrets and the realization that they have wasted time and opportunities.
Take this simple reminder and let it impact the rest of your life! Do not settle. Do not become average. Learn to live your life, one day at a time.
Fail or Fly, Just Try
Can you believe that this year is already more than halfway over? Well, it is. How is it going with that New Year’s Resolution? Did you even attempt to make that resolution possible? How about your other goals and dreams that are on the shelf? Buried by dust and forgotten about?
The more I live, read, listen, and learn, the more I believe that everyone has goals and dreams. Everyone has passions and pursuits that they have in their hearts and minds. But many, if not most, of them, have given up on or shelved these things. Sometimes these things get put aside and forgotten about long before they are given a real shot at becoming reality.
What would happen if you unshelved, and dusted off those things that you laid aside a long time ago?
What could happen if you gave them a real chance?
How would your life be different?
How would you be different?
If you never actually try, then you will never know what could have been. If you never try, you will never know how you or your life could look in a few years. If you never take a chance on yourself or your dreams, you and your dreams will never know what might have happened.
If you decide to take action, formulate a plan, and then give consistent effort the possibilities for what is possible becomes limitless! Could you imagine what would be possible if you made the decision to act, and decided to see your dreams become reality? How awesome would that be? How would your life be different? How would you be different? Who else could be impacted positively by your decision to go for it?
The decision to quit or never start, is permanent. And will yield no fruit.
The decision to start and commit will eventually result in fruits for your labor.
Struggling to victory is far better than surrendering. Surrender leads to nothingness. Surrender is the end of the road. Surrendering in one thing can often lead to surrendering and giving up in other areas too. Struggle means that there is growth happening. Struggle means that there is still hope. Struggle means that there is still a possibility. Struggle means that there is a will and desire.
Surrender means that the fight is over, and the towel has been thrown. There will be no great comeback or victory.
Here is the thing about failure. Failure is a great teacher. Failure is a way that did not work. Failure is not a destination or label. It is simply a way that did not work. Failure is a minor setback, it is not permanent. And the best thing is, you can try again differently, with more experience.
If you read this far, thanks! Now go get it! I am proud of you!
Father’s Day Reminder
I am not sure what emotions the Father’s Day celebrations give you, but I hope that they are good ones! I hope that you have had the joy of having a father that raised you well and gave you a solid foundation for life. But, even if this is not the case, I am convinced that there are still things that you can take from your father through the rest of your life.
What was it about your father that made you want to be like him? Was it his passion and enjoyment of life? Was it his work ethic and drive? Was it the way he helped and served others inside and outside of the home? What was it about him that made him special and unique?
What was it about your father that made you not want to be like him? Seriously? Have you ever taken time to think about this aspect of your dad? Believe it or not, this can actually be beneficial. Being aware of certain traits or characteristics can help you to break patterns, cycles, reactions, and responses in your own life.
If you are a father, raising children now, what do you want your legacy to be? What can you take from your dad, that you can pass on to your children? What can you take and build upon, for future generations? What can you take from your father and remove and keep it from being passed on?
If you are a wife of a man who is a father, help him! Build him up! Encourage him! Be his biggest supporter and fan! Be his friend and confidant! You have the opportunity to help him and encourage him to be a better father and leader in your home!
Unfortunately, there will come a day when our life and journey on this earth will come to completion, and we do not know when that day will be. So my best advice in light of this, is to: learn everything you can from your father, take and pass on all the good memories and characteristics. Break the bad habits and tendencies that you learned. And give your kids your best efforts, energy, attention and memories possible. Every day counts. Every day matters. Love much. Laugh often. Lead well.
Attitude affects Altitude
Winston Churchill once said, ‘Attitude is a little thing, that makes a big difference.’ Man was he right. Your attitude, how you feel, think, and behave, is going to impact and affect everything that you choose to do.
How you approach anything and everything, will directly be affected by the attitude that you choose to do it with. It does not matter what it is, how you choose to look at it will directly affect the way in which you do it.
If you approach a terrible or menial task with a positive, can-do attitude, it seems to become a little easier, less agonizing, and less taxing overall. If you choose to approach Monday morning with a positive, let’s get it attitude, Monday becomes more enjoyable, and less of a drag, every week. How you choose to approach and do various things, will affect the way you achieve them.
On the flip side, if you face a menial task with a negative, Grinch-like attitude, the task becomes more difficult, less enjoyable, and a total grind. Your mentality, energy, and drive will all become more negative.
How you approach anything in life will directly impact and affect how and how well you choose to do it. Before you do a task, a job, approach a new day or week, or chase your dreams, ask yourself how do you want it to turn out. If you want it to turn out well, then do it well, with your best effort. If want to have a better day, choose a better attitude. If you want to have a better workout, give it more energy. If you want to see your goals and dreams become a reality, give them your best effort consistently, until they become reality. You often choose the outcome, when you choose how you approach and complete anything.
Have you ever asked yourself, ‘Why would you give less than your best effort?’ Think about it. What happens when you give second-rate effort? You get second-rate results. Nobody wants to take responsibility and own up to something that is done poorly. Nobody wants to get to the end of their life and regret the effort that they gave in pursuing their dreams, goals, and passions.
There is a verse in the Bible that says, ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,…’ (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Basically, do everything to the best of your ability. Give everything your best efforts. Do everything with your highest ability, and best capability. You often will get only one chance to do certain things, give it your absolute best. When you give your best efforts, you will never have the regret of feeling regret or shame. Giving your best all of the time is an awesome standard and way to live your life.
But, if you choose to hold back, cut corners, slack off, and give second-rate effort, do not be surprised when you feel shame, have regrets, and fall short of reaching your goals and dreams.
Choosing your attitude will always affect your altitude. Choose wisely! Choose to do your best and give your best!
What are you consuming?
Have you ever heard the saying: “you are what you eat?” It is a popular line that is often used in the health and fitness arenas of life. Basically, it means that what you choose to eat and drink regularly, both quantity and quality, directly impacts who you are and who you become health-wise.
Have you ever thought about applying this quote to your everyday life? Or, more specifically, your dreams and goals?
What if you did?
Perhaps it is time to ask yourself and take inventory, ‘What are you consuming?’ Yes, your choices of food and drink are important and will have a huge impact on your health today, tomorrow, and in the future. But, what are you consuming in regard to your dreams and goals? Is the music, social media, tv shows, friends and influencers, and other things that you consume through your eyes and ears helping or hurting you?
What you listen to and watch will pass through your mind and will shape who you are and who you will become. When your mind is impacted, eventually your heart will also be shaped and molded. When your heart is shaped and molded, what you do will be affected by your heart. How you live life and how you do life are directly affected by how your heart has been shaped by your mind, and how your mind has been shaped by what you have chosen to consume.
Think about it like this….. What if you chose to watch shows that were negative, crude, twisted, or pointless? What if you chose to listen to music that was negative, angry, hate-filled, self-centered, or empty? What if you chose to have a social calendar that was only filled with empty or pointless events that stole your time and drained you emotionally and physically? How do you think you and your life would look in a few years? A few decades?
Compare that scenario, to this one. What if you watched things that were uplifting, encouraging, and helpful to your journey? What if you listened to things that were positive, energetic, and full of value and encouragement? What if your social calendar was filled with events that energized, encouraged, and empowered you and your journey? How do you think you and your life would look in a few years? A few decades?
See the difference?
Choosing the right things will have a huge impact on you, and will have a huge impact on your pursuits of dreams and goals! Many people make these choices subconsciously. They do not even think about the short and long-term affects of their choices and what they choose to consume.
Eventually, ‘what is in the well (your heart and mind) will come out in the bucket’ (the life you live, by the choices that you make).
From here on out, make choices based on their value and impact on your life and your dreams. You will notice a huge difference in your outlook on life, and how you do everything!
You are what you eat, and you become what you will be, by the choices that you choose to make!
What will your legacy be?
Tomorrow will be Memorial Day. A national holiday, where we as a nation celebrate the memory of those who have willingly laid their life down in service to this great country. They were willing to serve, fight, and ultimately be slain to serve, protect, and defend this great land, its people, and its freedoms. These brave men and women are remembered for their service and willingness to pay the ultimate price. These individuals will forever be remembered for their service and sacrifice!
What will your legacy be? What will you be remembered for? Why will people cherish the time and memories that you had with them? Have you ever taken the time to think about these few things?
How will you be remembered?
I genuinely hope that when my life is done; I lived it well, and I hope that I have helped a ton of people to chase their dreams and maximize their life! I want my kids to see their dad be the best version of himself that I could possibly be. I want my family to see the man who was the hardest worker and a man, who never made excuses. I want my wife to have a husband and friend that encouraged her and helped her to achieve her greatest goals and dreams. And I want others to remember me for the encouragement and hope I gave away, hoping for the best for them.
What will you be remembered for, after you are gone? What do you hope people, family, and friends remember you for? Do these two match up? If not, what needs to change? Have you ever taken the time to think about how others will remember you once you pass away? Have you ever thought about how you will feel about the life you lived when you reach the end of your journey here on earth?
If you are not doing the things that you want to do, then make the necessary changes. Do whatever it takes to reach the end of your life and look back with satisfaction and joy at the things you did and the way that you chose to live. Be the type of person that others enjoy spending time with, someone who helps and makes others better.
Dealing with Disappointment and Setbacks
In real estate, it is all about location, location, location. In life, much of how we handle things, boils down to your perspective. Perspective is basically your outlook on life: how you see things that happen in life, and in turn, how you handle and deal with them.
A powerful quote that I have really embraced regarding setbacks and disappointments in my life journey is this: “Pain is temporary. Eventually, it will subside. If I quit, however, that is forever.”
None of us likes to suffer setbacks, or experience disappointments. But, more likely than not, in life, especially if you are truly going after goals and dreams, you will encounter challenges along the way. What makes the difference between quitting and pushing forward is your perspective and attitude.
In my opinion, far too many people totally give up on their dreams and surrender their passions at the first sign of a challenge, obstacle, or a setback. Sadly, the value of their hopes and dreams are not very substantial or meaningful, as they are often surrendered to the first encounter of a challenge or roadblock.
Hear me out. Failing, encountering setbacks, experiencing opposition, and not meeting expectations definitely hurt and can be frustrating. But as devastating as these things may be and feel, do not give up or quit on your dreams. If your hopes and dreams actually mean something to you, then learn to view challenges, setbacks, and failures as opportunities to grow and evaluate your personal growth and progress. The journey toward your goals and dreams will not be a smooth one, and it probably will take you places that you never thought you might go.
In my opinion, one of the best and strangest lessons that I have learned so far is this: learn to find the opportunity within the obstacle. Every obstacle and challenge that you may face, will provide you with an opportunity. I know that this may sound a little ridiculous. But it is true. Disappointments and setbacks, though initially can be discouraging, if looked at from the other side of the coin, can provide new lessons, perspectives, adjustments, and so on.
Everyone wants the fruit from the tree to achieve their dream. But, the fruit is the last thing that is produced. It would be so convenient to plant a seed, and have a tree grow the very next day. But the seed has a process that must take place in order for the seed to become a seedling. And then from a seedling into a young plant, and from there, it becomes a full-grown tree. Sometimes the young tree will need trimmed, pruned, and even tied to supports to help redirect its growth. Your journey to achieving your dreams and goals might be a long one, and if the goals are substantial and meaningful, the longer they may take to achieve. When challenges come and you face a few disappointments or setbacks, it does not mean that it is time to quit. It is just an opportunity to take a step back and evaluate the situation and where you find yourself on your journey. Perhaps the adjustments that you make will be the ones that take you to your goals faster and better than you ever thought possible!
You’re Gonna Have To Fight For It
I am the type of person who likes to be told the truth up-front. I like to know what to expect, so I can prepare for what lies ahead. With that in mind, I have to be honest with you. In order for you to reach your goals and chase your dreams, you are going to have to fight for them to become reality.
Most people do not like to hear that. And most people do not like to hear that goals and dreams become reality through a gauntlet of hard work and changes. But, I am assuming that if you have read this far, you are either willing to do the hard things that are required, or that you are sick and tired of being exactly where you are year after year.
Pursuing your dreams and goals requires short-team vision, long-term vision, planning, action, effort, and consistent discipline. But if your goals and dreams mean that much to you, then the sacrifices and effort that you give will all be worth it, in order to achieve them! So prepare yourself to have to fight!
First, you will have to fight yourself. Your old habits, thought patterns, and actions have all gotten you to where you are in life. If you want things to change, and make it possible for your goals and dreams to become reality, you will have to fight your old tendencies. As you do this, you will have to develop new habits, disciplines, thought patterns, and options. If you do not learn to make necessary, and often hard choices, you will really struggle to make any real growth and progress.
Second, you will have to fight the critics and criticism. Critics are everywhere. The criticism can be painful and maddening. But you have to keep in mind several things when dealing with the nay-sayers. One, your goals and dreams are not theirs. They are yours! Two, most nay-sayers are average, mediocre people who have not gone after their own dreams or have chosen to settle. These people often have a negative perspective and outlook on things that they do not understand.
Three, you will have to fight against the odds. Here is where many people cower and bow out before they even pursue their goals and dreams. Do not let what seems to be impossible scare you from doing the impossible! I personally love to challenge the odds. I enjoy not fitting into the average, status quo. It is boring and unfulfilling. Average is dull, unexciting, and boring. Who wants to live an average, basic life? Doing what everyone else wants or does. Challenge the odds, an be exceptional!
Prepare yourself to fight for your goals and dreams! Then fight for them! The world already has plenty of people who are just going with the flow and choosing mediocrity. I personally think that you should choose to fight, and fight hard for your dreams! Choose greatness, not mediocrity! Some things are worth fighting for!
One Choice Away
An old saying goes like this: ‘ You are one decision away from a completely different life.’
It is so true! You really are that close, just one choice or decision away from having a different life. One choice could truly change the course of the life that you live.
For myself, the decision came after a conversation with my wife. I told her about some thoughts and ideas that I had and wanted to look into. Toward the end of our chat, she suggested that I actually do something. She told me to go for it! She told me to write my ideas down. This led to me writing my first book.
Once I had written and published my first book, more ideas followed. This led me to write my second book. The momentum continued and then my third, fourth, and fifth book soon followed. Following the completion of my fifth book, I took another step into unfamiliar territory and launched my first website;
This all took place after I made one decision: to go for it. To make a choice of action, discipline, and commitment! These steps took some time to achieve and accomplish, but they are all the result of one choice and decision I made a few years ago.
If you walk in to a dark room, what is the first thing that you do? You find the light switch and turn on the light. Why? Because you want to see. It is that simple. And you probably do not even take time to process any part of that scenario. Problem, action, solution. Easy as one two three…..
The same goes for you, your life, your dreams. What one decision do you need to make? What is the one thing that you need to actually do, or remove from your everyday life and routine? What is it? Can you name it right now? Or do you need to take some time and figure out what it is? How could making one decision shape your life today, and reshape the rest of your life?
The choice is yours to make. But will you make it? That choice is yours, and yours alone.
Passive or Passion
The way I see it, there are really only two ways to live life. You can choose to live passively, or you can choose to live with passion. Which sounds better to you? Passively living life, or passionately living life.
The word passive basically means: to exist and conduct oneself without any active concerted effort. Simply put, you just go with the flow and do not resist the status quo.
On the other hand, the word passion means: to have strong or powerful emotion.
Now that you know what these two words mean, which sounds better to you? Which word would you prefer to define your life by? Would you like to reach the end of your life and have someone say that you were a person who lived their entire life as a passive individual? Or would you rather reach the end of your life, and have someone say that you had lived your life with great passion? See the difference?
Every day we wake up, we get to decide how we are going to live the life that we have been granted. Will you choose to live it passively or with passion?
When we choose to live passively, we choose to settle, surrender, and stop striving for better. We choose to settle and be average, never attempting things that might stretch and grow us. We surrender our hopes, goals, and dreams, by never trying to go after them. We choose to stop striving for better, when we decide that we will not give extra effort, become disciplined, and when we do what everyone else is doing just because everyone else does it. Passively living life leads to mediocrity and settling for average.
When we choose to live passionately, we choose to grow, never quit, and make the most of every opportunity. We choose to grow and change, when we realize that is the only way to get to the next level. We choose to never quit, when we decide it is no longer an option. No matter how hard the journey is, or how many setbacks we may face, we decide to keep going. We choose to live passionately when we decide to make the most of every opportunity that we get. Passionate living is choosing to take the life you have been given, one day at a time, and purposefully living it out to maximize its potential. Passionately living life leads to excitement for what each day and opportunity might bring!
So what is it going to be for you?
Will you choose to live the rest of your life, passively? Settling, surrendering, and never striving for more?
Or will you choose to see what will happen when you decide to live with passion? Making the most of every opportunity and every day that you are given?
Progress, not Perfection
Perfection is an illusion. Perfection is a snare. The idea of attaining perfection is a mirage. Hoping that your day, week, month, and year will go as smooth as you would like, is unfortunately not going to happen. Your journey to achieving your dream, or pursuing your passions will also probably not go as smoothly as you would like.
Have I busted your bubble? Sorry. I hope that you do not mind too much. I also hope my honesty will still encourage you.
Far too many people approach life with grand ideas and they hope that their dreams will just happen to come true along the way. Unfortunately, that is rarely ever the case.
Often, individuals will wait for the perfect time or situation to come along before taking action. There is no such thing as the perfect time or situation. Because of this, these individuals will never take action, and their dreams will die as they wait. Far too many dreams and goals will never come to fruition, because those who had them never made any attempts to bring them into existence. Focusing on achieving perfection will always add extra and unnecessary pressure that can hinder and halt your pursuits. Striving for perfection can derail your goals and your passions.
Rather than get stuck waiting for the perfect time, opportunity, or scenario; start focusing on taking action and making real progress.
Decide to take action, rather than wait: choose to learn, grow, and make progress! Waiting for the perfect time is an excuse for procrastination. Choosing to move forward allows you the freedom to put things into motion. Focusing on growth and progress allows you to make actual progress and move toward the goals that you have in mind. Focusing on making improvements, allows you to grow and improve without the pressure of having to achieve perfection.
As you strive for growth and progress, you will help fuel the fire for your goals and passions. As you see yourself grow, improve, and make progress, the greater your passion and progress will become.
Forget the illusion of perfection, focus on the progress that you can make today! Make the most of every opportunity! Keep moving forward.
Make Changes, not Excuses
If you never change or decide to make changes, then do not expect anything to ever change. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. If you continue to do the same things over and over, you will keep getting what you have always gotten.
You can choose to remain the same, doing the same things day in and day out, cruising through life on autopilot, or you can choose to change, as hard as it may be. Your life will not change until you change. You can either choose to change, or you can choose to remain the same. In life, you basically choose to make excuses or you choose to get results, you cannot get both.
So what is it that needs to change for you? Is it your schedule? Are you too busy? Is your schedule too full? Are you unorganized in your time management? Are you too lazy? Perhaps, you need to look at your daily or weekly schedule and make some adjustments. A budget is a tool that allows you to tell your money where to go. A schedule tells your time, effort, and energy where to go, instead of wondering where it went.
Perhaps you need to change the people around you. I know that sounds pretty radical. But, think about how you are influenced by those that you interact with and hang out with on a regular basis. It has been said that you become the average of the five people that you spend the most amount of time with. Basically, you become a mixture of the people that you spend the most amount of time with. So, are your most influential friends and individuals building you up and making you better, or are they hindering your growth and development?
What are you listening to and watching on a regular basis? Are the things that you are consuming on a regular basis affecting you positively or negatively? Do the things you take in, put you in a doom and gloom mood, or do they put you in a mood where you feel energized and excited about what is going on? The things that you listen to and watch will absolutely affect you, your mood, and how you approach life.
How are your attitudes and perspectives on a consistent basis? Do you wake up with a negative attitude? Or do you wake up thinking that today is going to be a great day? Notice the difference? How you wake up is a big decider, when it comes to the course of your day. If you look for the negatives, you will certainly find them. If you stay optimistic, you will notice the opportunities more readily.
I’m not sure what changes you need to make, but one thing is guaranteed. If you refuse to make the necessary changes you will remain right where you are. If you choose to remain the same, rather than to change, you will end up having regrets later on. So make the changes that you need to before it’s too late. See what happens when you choose to make changes and not excuses!
Learn to let go
Oftentimes, we are our own worst enemy. We can sabotage ourselves, and our progress. We can hold ourselves back in a variety of ways, and never realize it. Sometimes, we can hinder our progress, growth, and experiences, all because we simply refuse to let go of things that we hold on to.
The excuses…. Far too often, we allow ourselves to cling stubbornly or stupidly (sometimes both) to old habits and patterns. But, ‘if we keep doing what we have always done, then we will keep getting what we have always gotten.’ (quote, unknown) This is part of the reason why I said, ‘Learn, to let go'.’ We can learn a lot if we are willing to honestly evaluate ourselves, our habits and tendencies, our flaws, and the choices that have gotten us to where we are in life. We have to be able to honestly and fully take responsibility for those things that we have control over. If we can take responsibility and not play the victim, or think we are helpless, then moving forward becomes a matter of choice and discipline.
Fear…. is one of the biggest reasons that many refuse to let go and jump into something new, even if we have a passion or a strong desire to do it, whatever that may be. Fear is one of the biggest deterrents that we can encounter, when it comes to pursuing something new. But, as I have learned, through experience, there are several awesome positives that come when you press into your fears and decide to let go and push forward anyways. These positives include: realizing that fear is usually just that, a simple imaginary thing that is much bigger in our heads than in reality. Pushing through your fear can also lead to greater personal growth. You grow when you challenge yourself and move into new areas that you have never been in before. Also, your growth and progress can inspire others to grow and try new things themselves.
Stubbornness…. Choosing to remain in your current situation is your choice. The issue is that you refuse to learn, you refuse to adjust, while knowing that you are the one who is responsible for your results. If you choose to continue doing the same things that you have always done, do not be surprised or upset that you keep ending up with the same results. If you continue to make the same types of choices, then you will continue to get the same types of results that you have always gotten.
Inexperience…. is another reason that many people refuse to learn to let go. If you have never done something, that is fine, but it is a terrible excuse for choosing not to try something new, or to do something differently. If you never go after something, then you will remain right where you are. Refusing to try something, is a decision that you make- to remain exactly as you are, and where you are. Inexperience should be seen as a great reason to try something new. When you try something new, you gain knowledge based on that experience.
When you learn to let go; you demolish fear, you become less stubborn and more flexible, and lastly, you gain experience. Learning to let go, will allow you to move forward as a person, as you pursue your passions, and as you gain wisdom through experiences.
Learn to let go, and see what happens when you do!
I bet you can
From the bottom of my heart, and with all that I am, I truly believe that you can do it. I’m not sure what it is, but I am sure that you can do it.
You are a unique individual. You are one of a kind. You are one in eight billion. There is no one exactly like you. And none of the other eight billion lives on earth will be anything like yours. You have a unique personality. You have unique character traits. And you have one-of-a-kind capabilities.
Beyond these, is the fact that you can change and make changes at any given moment. You have the option at any moment to change your life, or the direction of your life. As a human, you can choose to live an average and mediocre life. Or you have the option of living in a way that goes above and beyond the average life. You can maximize your life, by choosing to make the most of your life. You can maximize your life, by the choices that you make, and by making the most of the opportunities that come your way.
Each of us has been designed and given a variety of gifts, abilities, and dreams. But, it comes down to how we address, view, and use these gifts, abilities, and dreams. We can either choose to use and maximize these, which I hope you do. Or we can choose to settle, shelf, and suppress them, which far too many decide to do.
Can you imagine how your life would go, if you decided to live every day to its maximum potential? What would change about you and your life, if you decided to pursue your dreams and use your gifting every day? Who else would benefit from you living life on purpose and intentionally using your gifts and abilities?
Which sounds better to you? Living your adult life working 40 hours a week for about 40 years, and hoping to reach retirement. Or, living every day with intentionality, doing things that you love, feel passionate about, and doing things that get you emotional and fired up?
Please do not choose to be average and mediocre. You were not made average or mediocre, so do not live your life that way! I hope that you choose to be incredible and amazing, living your life inspired and on purpose! Choose to maximize and use your gifts and abilities. Choose to chase your dreams, do not settle for average. That is not who you were created to be.
The benefits of Discipline
Depending on who you are. Depending on how you were raised. And depending on where you are in life at the moment, the concept of discipline probably means something different. What comes to mind when you think about the idea of discipline?
One definition that I found for discipline was: ‘to train or develop by instruction and exercise, especially in self control.” I think this is a very accurate way to put it. Discipline is learning, practicing, and utilizing the individuals self control in a specific setting or application.
In the financial realm, budgeting tells your money where to go and what to do. And in other areas of life, discipline tells your focus, effort, time, and energy where to go and what to do.
Budgeting is a word that causes some people to cringe and think negative things. But the purpose of a budget is to assign your money to needs, priorities, and other financial things. Budgeting is a form of discipline, financially.
Being disciplined tells your focus, energy, effort, and time where to go and what to do. Rather than going through the motions or randomly approaching each day and opportunity.
Being a disciplined individual, is highly beneficial. In fact, one character trait of individuals who are successful and goal oriented is that they are very disciplined and structured. They tend to have a daily routine and structure to the life that they live. Having structure and self control is a combination that helps these individuals to focus their time and energy on the things that are important to them. On the flip side, these individuals know the things that they need to avoid, things that would be a waste of time, focus, and energy.
What could being more disciplined do for you?
What would some positive benefits be, if you were more structured, had more self control, or were more disciplined in your life?
How could you make changes in your life that would help increase the quality of your time usage, energy, and focus?
It might be a practical and basic exercise that has great benefit and payoff, to take a few minutes and reflect on your life. Where you are in life, and where you are heading. Someone once said that, ‘if you want to have something you have never had before, then you have to do something that you have never done before.’ Setting up a schedule or a success list of daily or weekly activities, could be something that dramatically shifts the production and impact of your life.
Becoming more disciplined in your time management and daily choices could literally change the trajectory and direction of the life you live!
Your life matters, make it count
If I had one message to give to you, this would be it. ***Your life matters, make it count!***
Long after I am gone, I hope that I am remembered for encouraging others to value each and every day. I hope that I can inspire hundreds and thousands of people to make their life count. To live their life in such away that they have little or no regrets or excuses at the end of it. Choose to be a person that embraces life, and makes each day it’s own adventure.
I genuinely believe that everyone is unique, special, and hasone-of-a-kind potential! There is no such thing as an average human being. I believe that there are many people who decide to settle for the status-quo. I also believe that there are people that believe the lies that they are mediocre and will never achieve various levels of accomplishments. I also believe that there are people who choose to go above and beyond with the life that they live.
In my book, ‘You matter, why that is important,’ I discuss the value of each person, where to find your value, and how to live life with purpose. In another one of my books, ‘Live on Purpose,’ I discuss living your life intentionally. Each one of us has gifts and opportunities that are unique to us. We are the only ones that can do what we can do, and in a way that only we can do them.
Listen, you are here for a reason. You need to find your purpose and discover your gifts, then pursue and use them while you can. We are all in a race, against the clock. We all have an expiration date, we just do not know when it is. The life that you live is uniquely yours. Make sure that you live it well.
Live so that every day and every opportunity matter, because they do. Your life matters my friend, make sure to make it count! Will you choose to live a life that is bountiful and overflowing? Will you live a life that is average and mediocre? Will you live a life that is passive and routine? The answer lies in the choices that we make, both large and small, each and every day. Your attitude, perspective, discipline, and drive will also affect your impact and influence.
Your life matters! Make sure that you choose to live it to the max!
Obstacle or Opportunity!?
Appearances can be deceiving. I am sure that we can all think of a time or event where we realized that what we saw or heard did not match up with reality.
I for one, am a huge fan of under-dog stories. Where one guy or team arrives in an impossible situation against someone or a team that is far superior, in every way. I tend to be drawn to movies like: Rocky, Invincible, Cinderella man, and others like these. There is something about this kind of story-line that pulls me in, hooks me, and then ignites a fire within.
The story of David and Goliath is one story that is familiar to most people. I would challenge you to re-visit that story, you can find it in 1 Samuel 17. Look at all the details and the events that lead up to the climax of the story, the part where David and Goliath go toe to toe. I love that David, the youngster, is willing and ready to step up to the challenge, despite Goliath’s appearances and battle-ridden accomplishments. Side note: my favorite part of the story, is where it says that David RAN toward Goliath, David did not see an obstacle, he saw an opportunity! And he literally ran right at it!
So what was it that convinced David that he could go to battle with a giant-champion fighter? Sidenote: any time that God is on your side, anything can happen, even what seems to look like the impossible. I believe that a huge piece of David’s victory was his perspective. David saw a very real obstacle and challenge, but he also saw that challenge as an opportunity. Because David saw the opportunity, he took it.
If there is a chance, take it! In life, there are few re-do situations. There was not a David and Goliath 2.0. David chose to seize the moment the first time. If there is an obstacle in your way, it may really be an opportunity. But, you have to have the right perspective. If all we see is the challenge and obstacle, then we may never see the unique opportunity that it may also present!
Maybe it is time for you to step up to the challenge, and see if it is really the opportunity that you have been looking for.
What is time? Why is it important? How can you make it more productive and beneficial? These are some great questions to keep in mind as we live and go through this life.
Time is basically a way to measure the span of an event or experience. A life time, is a term we use to condense and summarize the idea of the duration and existence of a person on this earth.
One of the most important ideas to keep in mind, is to remember that this life is very temporary. At any moment, it can end, sometimes without warning. Often our business can cause us to easily forget that our life is something that will come to an end. We can quickly fall into the trap of thinking that we have unlimited time. We often think that there will be plenty of time to do things later or at another more opportune time.
To be honest and blunt, our window of opportunity gets smaller every day. Each passing hour moves us closer to the finish line of our life. But we often forget this. Time becomes much more valuable when we come to the realization that we do not have an infinite amount. When another day passes, and tomorrow arrives, we cannot go back and redo something. Each day is significant! Each day is fleeting.
Make sure that you use today, and your life, to its maximum potential. James 4:14 says “You do not know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’ Our life is but a brief moment in time. We arrive, we live, and we will pass away. Once we come to realize how fast time really goes, and how precious it is, our life and our outlook ought to change. We should focus more on things that have meaning and value, and we should remove things that steal and waste time.
Make sure that when you arrive at the end of your life, that you have truly lived! Make sure that you have no regrets! Be sure to live your life intentionally and on purpose. Live your life so that you would be happy and satisfied with your life, how you used your time, and how you impacted those who you spent time with.
Time is precious. Use it wisely.